chapter five

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Sage's POV

That night I was the definition of numb, I felt nothing. I wasn't scared, mad, or sad. I was just thinking about what could possibly happen other than dying. The thought of dying didn't really scare me, I mean if someone pointed a gun at me I would just face the fact I was going to die. I mean I had dreams and things I wanted to pursue, and I thought of love but I could never love, I am too broke with demons on my side. I don't pay attention to them anymore, to me they're pointless some nights I let them in, and other nights I just find distractions like art or reading.

It's been a couple of days since I got that text message, after that they never texted. I asked who it was but no response. big surprise. Today I had my finals, I studied my ass these past few days, and I passed all of them. Waiting for Oli to hurry up and finish packing up he could take me home. Walking out with Deacon running over to us, panting "Jeez, I told yall to wait for me" I chuckled a little "Oh yea, sorry it slipped my mind" he looked like he wanted to kill me "Sage I was SCREAMING your name" Oli and I burst out laughing

Deacon just stared "What's the plan?"  Oli and I both looked really confused. "We should do something" Oil backed up deacon, "What are doing?" Lorelie snuck up on Deacon "Holy fuck Lorelie, I almost hit you" I tried to hold in my laugh "I wish you would, you would get your ass kicked" She is definitely a feisty one, never someone to back down from a fight which is why I liked her. "I am on Lorelie with this one, she could definitely beat your ass" Oli started laughing "Easily" he added.

Deacon just acted shocked and made a dramatic gasp "How rude" we all laughed "So what's the plan" Lorelle said once it dialed down "We could always go out for drinks or something" They all eyes on me "What?" a smile grew on their face "Oh no, I don't want to go out.... have fun" I gave them a cheeky smile, they eyed me making it seem they were looking in my soul it was too weird, I thought about it. "Would it really be that bad, come on, pleaseeeee" I caved in, only cause of the intense week I had, "Fine, but if one of you throws up on my shoes again I will personally kill you". We looked specifically at Oli who got shit-faced and said he was fine until he threw up on my shoes, let just say I would've strangled him if he was sober. "Deal," he said, smiling at me" We went our different ways, I went with Loreili who insisted on getting ready at my house, so she dropped me off and told me she would be back. She had errands to run and get her stuff.

It was around 5 p.m. when she came back, which I didn't mind I got to take a quick nap. She had a knock or more like banged on the door. "Finally, I was standing there for like five minutes" I let a chuckle out  "We only have a couple of hours to get ready so we need to hurry" I knew I would regret this, I loved Loreili she was spunky, but god she could be persistent and demanding.

"Hurry go take a shower, I already took one so I'm going to start on my makeup then I'll do yours" My smile dropped I didn't like wearing makeup it wasn't my thing "Woah there Mama Bear, calm down" I walked into my closet and pulled some jeans and a white shirt. Her face dropped quickly "You are not wearing that. If this is the one time you come out, you not wearing jeans, I picked something up don't worry." 

She gave me a wink, threw the towel at me, and told me to hurry. I went to shower shaved, washed my body and hair, got my comfy clothes on, and walked out. She instantly got to work, we listened to music most of the time. "No, you can look at yourself when I am done, now get this on please" She sounded so polite but the look on her face was serious. I put it on and slowly walked out. "OMG, you look fucking hot, the boys will drool over you" I laughed and waited for her. Black was kind of my color, it was a stunning two-piece. "The guys will be here in a couple of minutes''

We heard a knock and she ran to the door and lunged at Deacon who embraced her, I walked out grabbed my keys and they all looked at me. "What?" they all looked at me and tilted their heads. "You look stunning" Oli finally said with a smile, I felt my cheeks heat up "Umm- Thank you, we should probably go" They nodded and we headed out. We got there around 9:30 and I was already getting nervous, we walked in and I darted to the bar, while they got us a table. I ordered 8 shots, and then took one just to calm my nerves "Are you trying to get shit-faced" I just laughed as the bartender looked at me worried "No these are for my friends", "Kane" "Sage" "That's a pretty name, suits you" I rolled my eyes because I've heard that thousands of time. "Thank you" I walked away smiling at him. 


Awe, When Oli sees Sage it reminds me of a schoolboy looking at his crush.

This is a short chapter, sorry.

Have a good night party peeps



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