chapter forty-two

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Marco's POV

That bastard got away, he is nowhere to be found. All of his guys are dead, we look one more time outside. Sage was taking Brianna to the car, she was shot. Apart of me felt bad but the other was worried.

"Sage is down, repeat Sage is down. She was shot" my heart dropped deeper and deeper. I looked to Rezo, we both ran as quickly as possible. We saw Lucia yelling "WE NEED TO GO ELIZABETH MOVE"

All of it was true, she was shot, I ran to her "Sage, amore come on we are going" she smiled "Marco.." I shook my head "WHAT THE FCUK HAPPENED" I roared, everyone stood shook "A guy he- he was going to kill me. S-She pushhed me. We fell, so did she. She is dying because of me"

I looked at her and grabbed her by the shirt "SHE IS NOT DYING SO SHUT THE FUCK UP" I pushed her off "Marco, we have such beautiful kids" I held the wound and picked her up "Let's go" I ran to the car. Getting in Luca drove off. "She was grazed earlier, she was bleeding"

She was smiling "Sage we have a life to live remember" she shook her head "They look like you" I placed my on her cheek "Hold on, baby. Please Stay with me" she smiled and took my hand off "I love you"

"DRIVE FASTER" Luca stepped on it

We went to the hospital, our house was too far. We pulled up and I got out and ran "Help, my wife has been shot" they grabbed the gurney I placed her down. Rolled her away "Sit you have to stay, we can't help her if you are here" I shook my head "Come on Marco, we can't help this time"

They took her away, we sat down and waited "She is a fighter, she will make it" Luca kept telling me "This is my fault, I shouldn't have let her come, I should have taken no forced her to stay" he shook his head "She would have cam either way" Elizabeth spoke softly

After exactly seven houses and 45 minutes, a doctor came out. We all stood "Family for Anna Wheeler" Elizabeth walked over "Yea" She was in and out but we managed to keep her stabilized, we retrieved the bullet it was close to hitting her spinal cord. We won't know till she wakes up." Elizabeth nodded

My phone ended up ringing "Speak" I was not in the mood "Atticus is dead, he was found in his office on the floor. We are loading up cargo then blowing it. Where are you."

"I am at the Sinclair Hospital" he sighed

"We will be there shortly" I hung up, "Husband for a Mrs. Rodriguez" I walked up "We lost her" my heart sunk, I turned to the wall and punched it repeatedly "She is not dead" I turned and grabbed the doctor "Speak clearly next time or I won't hesitate to shoot you"

His throat cleared "At first we lost her, then she came back. It happened twice, when she was stable enough we operated, she lost a lot of blood along with a gash on her side. We took out the bullet, she almost bled out. This did put her body in distress, it wants to shut down. We are doing all we can sir, she is fighting which is a good sign"

I was realized "Can I see her" he forgot something "Because her body went into distress, her mind put herself in a coma, we don't know when she will wake up"

"Can I see her" he nodded, showing me the way to her room. "Here we are," her body laid there, hooked up on tubes. She looked lifeless, a tear slipped out. I walked over to her "Amore I need you to come back, what about our kids and our house."

Rezo brought a change of clothes, I was bloody. I took a shower in the hospital. She is a fighter, she will be okay.


Week later

"Hello amore" I placed down flowers. We had her moved to our facility, I made a generous donation to them. The police came, but I own them so they disappeared.

Any other warehouses were taken down, Rezo said he was worried because I was on a spree. He didn't want me to go back to my old ways, and used Sage as a bargaining chip. I would hope that she would wake up, I know she is going to. She has to, I tried and tried. I come here every day and night. I miss her.

Sitting down, Elizabeth comes in "Hey, I know she isn't dead or going to die. She wanted me to give this to you. She wrote it for you just in case." she handed me an envelope and walked away.

I was nervous, she had an intuition of things. I held it for a while, decided to open in:


If you're reading this it probably means I am gone or have passed away. I want you to know that I love you so much, and I want you to be happy. You deserve every bit of happiness, just because I am gone does not mean you get to act up. I know this means we won't have our house or kids, but you know what we had. Each other, Marco, we had each other. I told you once you made me want to be alive, and that I was scared to die because I had something to live for. Us. I also can go out of this world knowing that I was loved by someone who wasn't my family, someone that was my backbone and showed me how to not only love but to forgive myself and others. I will always be with you, it may not be how we want but I am there with you always. I know we didn't get the time we wanted but it's not promised and I knew going into the field. Don't shut people out, take the time you need but you have people who love you, lean on them. We are proof of how much people can change. I love you, Marco, never forget that. Thank You for everything.

-Love Amore (Aka Sage)

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