chapter twenty-two

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Sage's POV

He looked at me worried that I would go. I mean I knew he was involved with gangs or something like that but the head of a mafia. Mafia, that was a new one I mean wow I don't know what to think, does this mean I have to get beat up in order to join, no this isn't a gang is it maybe I should ask him. 

"Mafia" he nodded "Does this mean I have to get beat up to join, do I join, am I in it" he laughs "You have to commit Omerta, which is a code of silence other than that no" Okay a code of silence "Does this mean I am in the Mafia" he just shakes his head "No technically, if you want to you can" I smile "What's the process" might as well go all in, I have to take a code of silence, for knowing what I know but why not. "Uhm you can skip the whole process if you want" What? Not even attempt "No I will start from the beginning like everyone else, it wouldn't be fair if I didn't" he smile "Okay but it won't be easy" I nod "I don't expect it to be" he just smiles.

"There is something else" You have to be shitting me. What else could there be "To ensure your safety, you will live here with me" What? You're kidding, what about my apartment. What will I tell my mom, 'hey mom it's been around a month and I am moving in with this guy who is oh yea my boyfriend' yea right she would whoop my ass "I will be fine at my apartment, It is my place and I want to be there, I get your only looking out for me but I- where would I stay its pact I don't want to intrude"  he was serious, looked a little scary but cute "This isn't up for discussion, you live here with me, you can either get your own room or stay in mine I don't mind either. Your choice" I shake my head "What about all my stuff, clothes, shoes, electronics" he got up and grabbed me "We will pack the important stuff, we can replace clothes and stuff" I nod. There wasn't any point in arguing with him.

"Can we go now, I need clothes for tonight" he just looks me up and down "Uhm, I don't trust they won't be there, we can go shopping, my guys will pick up your laptop, and other stuff." I just nodded. "What about my car" he smiled "I will have them drive it over" With that, he walked out telling me that we will leave in a couple of minutes, to socialize or something, he had business to go over.

I walked downstairs making my way to the kitchen, I saw this girl maybe a little older than Lucia "Hey" I gave her a smile "Ma'am do you need something, are you hungry" I just laughed "Uhm yeah I guess" I walk over to the pantry, I grabbed cheerios and cut up some strawberries, and put some milk it. I sat down on a stool and began to eat "What's your name" she smiles "Emma" "Sage" she smiles "You work here?" she nodded "My mom does too" she looked at the time and lowered her head "I must be going, I have duties to attend to" I smiled "Okay talk later"

She walked off while Lucia walked in, I was about to finish my cereal "Hello pretty" I smiled with a mouthful of cereal. I chewed it "Hey Lucia" She laughed "So what's the plan for today, I figured since we will be together from now on, we should hang out" I smiled "I would love to, maybe tomorrow, today I have dinner with my mom and stepdad later. I would love to have a girls day, but with work maybe next weekend" she looked confused "Work? You don't work anymore, you know that right, Marco told you, you are training soon, that takes all day and then jobs if Marco let you. You said you wanted to be a doctor right" I nodded "Well we have a medical wing, I can show you later the doc there is really cool. He is a little old but good at what he does, he can teach you about medical stuff." I smiled "Thank you, Lucia, you have done too much, you are too nice" She gave me a hug "You are a part of this family now, we do things together don't thank me" I hugged her tight "I like having a sister or sisters" she smiled.

We both walked over to the living room, Lucia headed for the alcohol tray and poured her some sprite in a cup and vodka. "Do you want anything" Hm, drinking at 1 pm "It's happy hour somewhere why not? Whiskey on the rocks." She pours it

"You and Marco are the same, he always gets this" handing me my drink "Meant to be I guess" I gave her a smirk. We talk for a while, she likes to work alone, she is an assassin apparently one of the best. I and she have a lot in common, Emberlyn, she told me to call her Em/Ember either-or. She joined and we planned to have a girl's night soon. Although Em was all business she had a playful side when she was off duty. 

It was around 2:30 pm and Marco finally came down, I was on my third drink, Lucia was on her second, and Em didn't drink any. It was nice, felt like my real sisters. "Really are you trying to get her drunk" I laughed "Calm down weirdo, I can handle my liquor, ready to go" I gulped down the rest and got up, misstepping. I regain my balance and we exit saying goodbye. Off to the car we go.

We pulled up to the mall, heading in, lots of people looking at us or at Marco, mostly girls. We headed into a couple of stores, I had picked out a casual outfit. I walked into this nice store, I looked underdressed. We shopped around and I found this black skirt and tan sweater, this was the outfit I would wear, something presentable but not popping out you know? I looked at the price tags and it was going to come out to about $1,920 for everything. "Why is this so expensive?" Marco looked at me. "It's designer." I laughed "We can go somewhere else." He shook his head, took the clothes, and took them to the register. They scanned them and it came out to $1,980 plus taxes my eyes were about to pop out of my sock because it was so expensive. "Are we done" I nodded my head repeatedly "I will pay you back, promise" he turned around "No you owe me nothing, you deserve everything, and if I can help I will" I shook my head pulled him into me and kissed him "You deserve everything life has to offer to, I intend to give you all I can" he smiled. We walked towards the car, he opened the door and headed to my new home. 



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