chapter twenty-six

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Marco's POV

This was a pain, bullets flying everywhere. We are using this wall to take cover, could Lucia take any fucking longer. We would occasionally shoot, but not waste our ammo they shoot like idiots. "Lucia hurry the fuck up before I shoot you instead" I hear sighs over the coms "There were some assholes in the front, give me a minute" He attitude I could honestly shoot her 

"Watch your attitude, I am still your boss"

Finally, she took them out, we had her up top with a sniper. Their bodies fell to the ground walking past, this was only the beginning.

After entering, guns are everywhere, on me. "We have been waiting for you Marco" How stupid could they be "I am here for my property" he shook his head "No, no, no let's talk" Could he be so fucking annoying "I see you found interest in a certain someone" Sage. I couldn't let him see this affect me "Who? You must be mistaken, however, you have a wife no?" I guess he didn't think this through "You will die here, Marco"

I told my guys to hold back, there was no point for everyone to get hurt, I also wanted to have fun. "Kyle, do this and your family lives simple." I would never touch women or children; it goes against our code. No one knows that, except us.

"Hold" Rezo needs to calm the fuck down "Tell me, will you do as I say" I let out a chuckle. "You are outnumbered" God I'm getting bored again "Move in, keep that kid alive" I start to walk out "Marco don't make me"

All hell breaks loose, blood everywhere, this is calming. Two guys come at me full speed, I pull both my guns out. Fire them. One-shot.

We all meet up in the car, Lucia has a busted lip. Idiot. "What happened" Rezo handed her a paper towel. "Cagna mi ha beccato di nascosto" (Bitch snuck up on me) Luca laughed, he was now driving. Says the driver took too long.

We got our shit back, and everyone is safe. "Marco" looking at all of them, who were not look at me but what was on me. Looked down, behold I was bleeding, probably got it when those guys charged at me, or when a graze when people were shooting.

"I will be okay, just a scratch" I lifted up my shirt, which was more like a gash. Rezo took gauze and put pressure on it, amore is going to be a little mad. Will she?

It won't stop bleeding, I lost a lot of blood. When we get home it's almost 7-8 am. The doctor is already outside. I hold on for a while. As soon as we got out, he rushes to my side. They take me to the same room.

He banged me up, amore does it better. I was laying down most of the time. I need a shower and to see mi vida. I get up slowly. Not before the screaming, yelling. Very angry Sage. I lay back down and close my eyes. "Marco" the door opens, she rushes to my side.

Place a kiss on my cheek. She knew I wasn't asleep and slapped my arm "You idiot, you're supposed to be careful and you get stabbed"

My eyes are only on her "Baby I am okay" her face looked even angrier, she poked the wound. I kissed "You fine? Don't pull that bullshit" she was worried

"He needs rest" the doc finally comes in, after she was done scolding me she gave me a lot of kisses "He can rest in our room, he stinks, and in the same clothes as yesterday" growling she slapped my hand "let's go"

After my shower, I change. Sage went to get some food I really don't care. I walk to my office. Rezo is on the couch, laying their "you have a room" he sits up "Marco enough games, you can't get injured anymore, you are the head of your mafia. You can't do this cause you what 'bored'" I rolled my eyes sitting on my chair

Amore comes in, right after "Bed" I shook my head "Work" who knew these things were trying "Food" she had a trey "Not hungry" she walked over "Didn't ask, eat. I will leave you alone" I began eating, she left once I started

"Wow" Rezo still here "Shut it, bring in Lucia" he calls her up "That will never happen again, understood" she undermined me during a mission "Don't get comfortable, I can take your title as easy as you got it" she nodded "I apologize sir" Don't get me wrong I love my baby sister, but there was no favoritism in this line of work and she knew that when she decided to join. 

After paperwork, Rezo walked in "Training is coming up" Rockies the worst. Idiots who have no fucking clue about shit. Amore will be joining as well "Where is Sage" Rezo shrugged he called everywhere she was nowhere to be found "Lucia where is she" she turned around "Sage" I threw her spoon out of her hand "She left she didn't say where" This women, pain in the ass.

I called her twice. No answer after the fifth call she answered "Hello" if she was anyone else, I would shoot them "Where the fuck are you" it was loud "I am heading home now" she hung up no answer.

After around an hour the door open. Everyone turns toward the door. She walks in, works out clothes, sweaty, rushes upstairs. "Sage Valdez" I was no longer playing "Yes"

"Where were you" she shook her head "Donut shop"

"Sage." she just looked "I was working out, at Larry's" she kept walking "You could've told me, it is not safe for you to be alone" she turned around "I was fine, I was with Larry and my brothers plus I told you I would leave you alone. I did." she has a brain injury I swear "Yes but you stay in the house"

She took a shower and came out "I won't be trapped here Marco" I sat on the bed "You are already in danger as it is." she walked over grabbing my face "I am safe I promise, I took one of the guys, Luca said it was best" Oh hell he will pay. I walked downstairs, I could here his loud ass voice from upstairs.

I grabbed Luca by the collar "You knew she left and didn't tell me" I was yelling "I thought you knew" You could hear Sage stomp down "Let him go." I did not, I punched him one good time. He fell to the floor. "Never again" he nodded "What the fuck" I walked over to Sage "And you never do that shit again" she pushed me "Go fuck yourself, you don't control me Marco"

"Upstairs NOW" There was never a time I didn't know where people were. I knew everything "Do not YELL AT ME MARCO" she was not helping "Do not EVER pull that shit again" tch she just turned around, towards the door, and grabbed her keys "NEVER again" she slammed the door. I punched the wall.

Her car was still here "Search the property" I waited in our room for what felt like an hours, she walked in with the push of Loui. She walked toward the closet. No words "Sage" you could tell she was crying, she walked into the bathroom. I just laid there. Unsure what to do, this was the first time I actually had to think.

She walked out in a big shirt, some shorts. "Sage" she looked back at me. "I shouldn't have yelled" she walked over "I don't like this- feeling. I don't like fighting" I nodded "Look I see a lot of things, I am just worried about you" she smiled "Never yell at me okay, I don't respond well" no shit "Don't undermine me in front of my men"

I looked down "You have to remember I am their boss, can't be pushed around or take orders from my girlfriend. They will see it as a weakness and can use it against me" she just stood their "You are right, but I don't like it when you become an ass" she sat next to me

"In front of family, I don't care but not with my men, I am their boss Understood" she grabbed my face "I am not one of your minions, don't 'understood' me. Yes, I agree, remember I am your girlfriend, not a friend or work for you" I nodded "We are both new to this, so when something like this happens we talk not yell or demand" I took her hand and placed a kiss on her head.

Our first fight wasn't that bad. Other than me wanting to murder everyone. 


Always best to think before you speak


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