Chapter 36- Sozin's Comet, Part 3: Into The Inferno

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We were traveling for a while. I began to drift off and watched the sky turn into an reddish-orange color.

"It's weird to say, but the comet actually looks beautiful." I pointed out.

"Too bad the Firelord's about to use it to destroy the world." Toph replies.

We had finally made it to the airship fleet.

"We're too late!" Sokka says. "The fleet's already taking off!"

"Then we're taking off, too." Toph says. "Where's the closets airship?"

"It's right-"

Toph grabbed Sokka and I as she launched us into the airship.

We walked up to the control room door. Sokka and I waited at the side of the door.

Toph knocked a tune on the door as she broke it down, rolled into the metal and attacked the guards.

A huge flame came out the door. "Ahhh." Sokka and I both screamed.

A guard was thrown out the door, Sokka and I peaked our heads into the control room as we walked over to Toph.

"That's how it's done."

"Good work, Toph." Sokka says. "Time to take control of the ship. Take the wheel."

"That's a great idea." Toph smiles sarcastically. "Let the blind girl steer the giant airship."

"I was talking to Soul."

"That would make a lot more sense." Toph says.

I walked over to the steering wheel. "What are we gonna do about the rest of the crew?"

"Take us down closer to the water." Sokka says. "I've got an idea."

"I've never steered an airship before, so if we die, it's Sokka fault."

Sokka rolled his eyes. He grabbed the loudspeaker and cleared his throat. "Attention, crew, this is your captain speaking. Everyone please report to the bomb bay immediately, for hot cakes and sweet cream. We have a very special birthday to celebrate."

"Oooh," I squealed. "Can I drop them?"

"Go ahead," Sokka says. "Firelord Ozai, here we come."

"Yeah," I smirked. "Here we come."

Sokka grabbed the telescope. "We're not gonna catch up to him in time!"

"No." I muttered.

We watched as Ozai bended the biggest amount of fire, I have ever seen.

"Why can't I do that?" I mutter.

"Because your not that far in the book yet." Toph mimics my response when we were camping in the woods.

We watched as the airship began to tilt to the left and then fall.

"What just happened?" I asked.

"It's Aang!" Sokka says. "He's back!"

The two began to fight as I watched Ozai in amazement.

"Go Aang!" Sokka cheers. "Airbending slice!"

"Shouldn't we be helping him?" I ask.

"The Firelord is Aang's fight. We need to stay focused on stopping that fleet from burning down the Earth Kingdom."

"And how do we do that, Captain Boomerang?" Toph asks. "I can't see outside of this floating hunk of metal."

"Airship slice."

I looked back at Sokka confused. Sokka started to take control of the wheel as he turned a sharp right.

We watched as the other ships began to burn down the forest.

"Woah," Toph breathes out. "That's a lot of fire, isn't?"

Sokka begins to play with the controls. "It's gonna be a rough ride. We need to get to the top of this thing, fast."

He grabbed Toph's arm as I followed, he then stopped in his tracks.

"Then what?" I ask.

"Watch each other's backs, and if we make it that far I'll let you know." We kissed and followed after Toph.

We climbed up to the top of the airship and started running.

The airship was beginning to break. I was right behind Sokka and Toph when the piece of the ship broke causing me to separate from the two.

I screamed.

"Soul!" Sokka shouted.

I closed my eyes waiting for death. I opened my eyes, seeing that I was okay.

"I'm okay!" I shouted. "Just finish the mission!"

From afar I could see Aang and Ozai's fight. I should be over there helping him. What kind of Sun Spirit am I?

I took a deep breath in as a huge force of fire came out my hands, mouth and feet, the fire was heading towards Ozai, but he redirected it and threw it at Aang.

"Whoops." I winced. "Let me not do anything."

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