Chapter 4- The Avatar State

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"Soul it's time to go." My father says knocking on my bedroom door.

"In a minute." I reply packing a few things for the journey.

I slide on my outfit.

I've collected many clothing and accessories from every nation. I knew some day I would be able to wear them.

I look around my room one last time before leaving

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I look around my room one last time before leaving.

"I'm gonna miss this place," I mumble, staring out my window, I've always had the best view of the tribe.

I miss Yue.

I hear a faint knock on my door. "Come in,"

"Hey, Soul." Sokka says opening my door, sliding through it awkwardly.

"Oh, hi, Sokka. Sorry if I'm taking too long, I'm almost done I-"

"No, it's okay, you're fine."

He sits on my bed observing my room.

"Your rooms really nice and uh you look huh nice," Sokka stutters, rubbing the back of his neck nervously.

"Why, thank you," I curtsy.

"Shall we go my lady," Sokka says attaching our elbows together.

I laugh. "Lead the way my good man."

*ೃ༄ *ೃ༄ *ೃ༄

Master Pakku hands Katara an amulet. "Katara, I want you to have this. This amulet contains water from the spirit oasis, the water has unique properties. Don't lose it."

"Thank you, Master Pakku." Katara says hugging him.

"Aang, these scrolls will help you master water bending. But remember, they're are no substitute for real master."

Aang looks over at Katara.


Sokka walks forward smiling.

"Take care, son," Pakku says patting his shoulder.

I couldn't help but laugh. I felt bad though.

"Soul, your father wanted me to give you this," Master Pakku says handing me a necklace and a ring.

I observe the items.

"Your father was going to surprise you and Yue with sun and moon necklaces and rings, but-"

"Yeah, I know she turned into the moon."

He slowly nods his head.

I slide the ring on my finger.

"It's beautiful." Katara awes.

Sokka helps me up on Appa.

"Fly straight to the Earth Kingdom based to the east of here. General Fung will provide you with an escort to Omashu. There you will be safe. To begin your eathbending training with King Bumi."

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