Chapter 1- The Waterbending Master

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Yue and I were taking a morning stroll along the waterway when something had caught my eye.

I turned my head to see a tremendous beast strolling across from me, along with three kids around my age.

"Yue, what is that?" I ask, sliding to the edge of the boat, admiring the creature.

"I don't know Soul, but don't fall into the water again!"

I made eye contact with the tan skinned boy, so I decided to wave at him.

He smiles, waving my way.

"Who are you waving at?" Yue asks.

I quickly face her. "No one."

We soon get home and start again with her clothing shenanigans.

"What do you think?" Yue asks, showing me the sixth dress, she's tried on.

"It looks cute." I reply.

"Soul, that doesn't help, you've said that six times." Yue pouts, walking over to her dresser.

I point to the dress, laying on her bed. "I don't know the first one you tried on was pretty."

"Ahh, I thought so as well." Yue smiles, snatching the dress off her bed.

My mind begins to drift off. I wonder if that cute boy I saw earlier is coming to Yue's party.

*ೃ༄ *ೃ༄ *ೃ༄

"Tonight, we celebrate the arrival of our brother and sister from the Southern Water Tribe." My father announces, pointing to the guests.

I let out a gasp, pointing to the water tribe boy. "That's him!"

"Ooh, he's cute." Yue giggles.

"And they have brought with them someone very special, someone who many of us believed disappeared from the world until now... The Avatar." My father says, motioning to the bald headed boy.

"Yay!" The crowd cheers.

"We also celebrate my daughters 16th birthday, Princess Yue is now of marrying age."

Yue walks in on cue. "Thank you father, may the great ocean and moon spirits watch over us during these troubling times."

"Now, Master Pakku and his students will perform!" My father says, gesturing to the middle of the arena.

Yue walks over to the mystery boy, taking an available seat next to him on the right.

"Hi there, Sokka, Southern Water Tribe." He introduces.

"Very nice to meet you." Yue responds.

There was a long pause.

I sensed the awkward tension, so I decided to take the other open seat next to Sokka.

Sokka turns his gaze to me as his mouth drops open.

He shakes his head dazed. "Hey, Sokka, Southern Water Tribe,"


"Woah, that's a beautiful name." Sokka gawks.

"Thank you." I beam.

"Oh, hey, Soul," Yue waves, turning her attention to Sokka and I.

"Uh, you two know eachother?" Sokka asks.

"Yeah, Soul's my sister," Yue replies.

"Woah, this family has some nice genes." Sokka mutters, rubbing the back of his neck.

"So girls are princesses, huh?! You know, back in my tribe, I'm kinda considered a Prince myself." Sokka says, looking between Yue and I.

"Ha! Prince of what?!" I hear a feminine voice next to me say.

I turn my head and see a cute young girl.

"A lot of things! Do you mind? I'm trying to have a conversation," Sokka says, towering over me and pointing his finger in the young girls face.

"My apologies, Prince Sokka." She bows.

Sokka pouts and starts continuing his conversation with Yue and I, but my head was turned to the younger girl.

"You are so pretty." The girl says to me.

"I was just about to say the same thing to you." I smile.

"Ppft stop, you're like a goddess." The girl says, throwing her hands up in the air.

"Thank you," I smile. "My name is Soul."

"Katara." She smiles back.

*ೃ༄ *ೃ༄ *ೃ༄

"Sokka just asked me to do an activity with him." Yue says, barging into my room.

"Uh, yeah, thanks for knocking." I say, looking at my now opened door.

"And what did you just say? Sokka asked to do an activity with you?!" I say, now intrigued in the conversation. "Does he know that you're engag-"

"No, he doesn't." Yue quickly says cutting me off.


She sits on my bed, resting her head on my shoulder. I stroke her beautiful white hair as we sit in silence.

*ೃ༄ *ೃ༄ *ೃ༄

I was sneaking out of Hahn's house, when I heard a grunt and something plop in the water.


"Oh, hey, Soul," he responds, leaning on the railing.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"It's your sister, she's a little-"

"Difficult." Sokka and I both say.

We both let out a laugh.

"Yeah, difficult." Sokka sighs.

"She'll come around." I reassure, patting his back.

We talked for a while before I let out a yawn.

"Tired?" Sokka asks.

"Yeah a little," I reply, stretching out my back.

"What were you doing before you found me?" Sokka asks, looking at me curiously.

I froze for a minute.

"Uh, Soul?" Sokka says, waving his hand in front of my face.

"Huh?!" I say, snapping back to reality.

"I said what were you doing before you found me?" Sokka repeats.

"Oh, yeah, uh.. I was at my boyfriend's house." I reply, playing with a strand of my long hair.

"Boyfriend?" Sokka asked, looking down at his feet a little disappointed.

"Yeah...well I have to go, I'll see you later." I say, waving to Sokka before running off.

"Yeah later." I hear Sokka mutter.

*ೃ༄ *ೃ༄ *ೃ༄

"Katara and Master Pakku are fighting!" Yue says, grabbing my arm as we ran over to the scene.

"Come back I'm not finish yet," Katara yells at Master Pakku.

He noticed Katara's necklace on the ground as he picked it up.

"This is my necklace," Pakku says.

"No, it's not, it's mine give it back!" Katara yells, struggling to get out of the icicles Master Pakku trapped her in.

"I made this 60 years ago for the love of my life."

I fake gagged in disgust. "Old people love am I right?!" I say elbowing Yue.

I look up at her, as she is on the verge of tears.

She finally breaks as she runs away crying.

Sokka turns to me.

"Go get her," I sigh, pointing to the direction Yue went.

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