Chapter 7- The Swamp

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"Hey, you taking us down for a reason?" Sokka asks Aang.

Aang remained silent.

"Aang, why are we going down?" Sokka asks a little louder.

Aang rubs his eyes."What? I didn't even notice,"

"Are you noticing now?"

"Is something wrong?" Katara butts in.

"I know this is gonna sound weird but I think the swamp is....calling to me." Aang awes.

"Is it telling you where we can get something to eat?" Sokka says rubbing his stomach.

"No, I-I think it wants us to land there."

"No offense to the swamp but I don't see any land there to land on." Says Sokka.

"I don't know. Bumi said to learn earthbending, I would have to wait and listen and now I'm actually hearing the earth. Do you want me to ignore it?"

"Yes." Sokka answers.

"I don't know," I reply. "There's something ominous about that place."

Appa roared as Momo hid in my lap.

"See?" Sokka shrieks. "Even Appa and Momo don't like it here."

"Okay, since everyone feels so strongly about this bye, swamp," Aang says. "Yip-yip."

I turn around feeling a strong breeze. "Uh, Sokka." I tap his shoulder.

He turns around, panic on his face.

"You better throw in an extra yip."

"We gotta move." I scream.

"Ah!" Sokka screams.

Sokka flew off Appa. I quickly grabbed his hand tightly, trying to pull him back in the saddle.

We all eventually flew into the tornado making us fall in the swamp.

"Ugh." We all groan.

"Where's Appa and Momo?" I ask, observing our surroundings.

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While Aang was searching for Appa and Momo, I was stuck with the siblings.

"Sokka, you've got an elbow leech," Katara points out.

"Where? Where!" Sokka panics.

I cross my arms. "Where do you think?"

"Why do things keep attaching to me?" Sokka yells.

"You couldn't find them?" I ask Aang once he returned.

"No," he replies. "And the tornado, it just disappeared."

"We better speed things up," Sokka says swinging his machete at the swamp.

"Maybe we should be a little nicer to the swamp," Aang suggests.

"Aang , these are just plants," Sokka voices. "Do you want me to say please and thank you as I swing my machete back and forth?"

"Maybe you should listen to Aang." Katara sides.

"Yeah," I agree. "Something about this place feels...alive."

"I'm sure there are lots of things that are alive here," Aang voices. "And if we don't want to wind up getting eaten by them we need to find Appa as fast as we can."

It started to get dark.



"There's no way they can hear us and no way we can see them," Sokka sighs. "We'll have to make camp for the night."

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