Chapter 1 (Haneul)

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Hey guys!

Here is chapter one of The CEO's Baby! I hope you like it!

Please let me know your thoughts on it in the comments!


Baekhyun's POV

"Haneul-ah, don't play with your food, baby! You'll get all messy." I tried to scold my 10 months old baby.

That's right, I had a baby already. To me, my name is Byun Baekhyun, I'm 22 years old and currently trying to manage my working life and raising my son. My baby boy, Haneul, was conceived in a one night stand, unfortunately. Don't get me wrong, Haneul made me the happiest boy in the world, but it just saddened me that he didn't have another father figure in his life, apart from me.

All I knew, was that his father's name was Chanyeol.....? I wasn't that sure, though. I was pretty sure that his last name was Park. I tried to find him, but had no luck in doing so, since the only research I could do was on my phone, because I didn't have a laptop. I also didn't have the time to go to a Cafe, because I was too busy working and taking care of my child.

"Haneul, open your mouth, baby. Say aaaahhhh." The only food he ate, was baby milk and baby food, obviously.

I had two best friends, who helped me with Haneul. Their names were Kim Jongin, also known as Kai, and Do Kyungsoo and they were also a couple. They worked from morning, til afternoon and I had to work from evening, until like midnight or 1 AM, so they were really a big help for me. Otherwise, I wouldn't have been able to provide for my baby.

My life had never been easy. I grew up with a strict mother and a strict father, who abandoned me at age 18, when they found out that I was able to carry and birth children. It broke my heart, to see all of my belongings packed and on the streets. None of my family members wanted to be involved with me, so they turned their backs on me. I was happy to at least have Jongin and Kyungsoo in my life.

I had been pretty depressed, before giving birth to Haneul. With him, I finally had a purpose in life. With him, I finally knew what happiness felt like. I'd also never been in a serious relationship with anyone before. They all got weirded out, once they found out that I was able to birth children, so I eventually just gave up on love, even though my best friends told me to never give up. I was still young, I knew that, but I was craving for love. Especially now that I had a baby and pretty much no life anymore. I did everything for Hanuel, of course. He was my life.

I had Haneul and my best friends and that was all the love I needed. Even though I did sometimes wonder what it felt like to be loved and cared for by someone in a romantic way.

"Come on, baby. Can you make Papa happy and say ahhh for me?"


"That's my good boy." I kissed his chubby cheeks and cleaned him up, once he was finished with his food.

"Shall I give you a bath now, hmm? It's nap time, too."

I picked him up from his baby chair and showered his face with kisses. I would make sure to give him the life that I never had. A happy and loving one.

"I love you, so much. Thank you for changing my life, Haneul-ah."


My eyes widened in shock. That was the first time he was able to say a proper word, apart from all the baby gibberish he always said. And it was Papa, too. Me! He said my name!

I couldn't help, but let out a few happy tears.

"Good job, baby. Can you say it again? Come on, say PA-PA."

"Grrr... PwaPwa!"

I had to tell Jongin and Kyungsoo! They needed to know! But since they were working, I couldn't call them now.

"You just made Papa so happy, honey." I was crying tears of joy.

After giving Haneul a bath and getting him ready for bed, I cuddled and sang to him, until he fell asleep. I loved to sing, it got my mind off of things and I always sang when I needed to calm my mind. So many things have been troubling me, that I kept inside for so long...

What worried me the most, was Haneul. He was growing up so fast, it almost felt like yesterday when I gave birth to him. And now he was almost one year old! Once he got older, he would be wondering where his other daddy would be. Or who he was. I didn't want him to think that he was unwanted, so I made sure to give him all the love he needed and deserved.

"Oh, baby. I will protect you from all the evil in this world. Just trust me." I whispered, before putting him in his bed and turning the baby phone on.

I left the door open and went into the kitchen to clean up. I was working too much these days, so I didn't really have the time to do any house chores.

I was exhausted from everything, to say the least.

It was only nine Pm, but I was feeling very tired, so I decided to have an early night. I had the day off today, but I would have to go back to work tomorrow. Feeling tired and exhausted, I got ready for bed and joined Haneul in my room. But before I could even close my eyes, I heard my phone buzz on the nightstand.

It was a message from Kai.

Hey Baek,

You need a new job, don't you? Would you be interested in a housekeeping job? The pay is really good, too. And, you can even choose your working hours, which is amazing, because you have Haneul. My Co-worker, Sehun, told me about it, because his brother is looking for a house keeper right now.


Hm, a job as a housekeeper didn't sound that bad, especially in my situation right now... I still had to think about it, because the idea of being in a strangers house wasn't that appealing to me. Plus, working as a barista in a drive through, wasn't that good of a job money-wise.

But I did need the money, though. Especially for Haneul.

Let's talk about it tomorrow, it does sound good, though. I would definitely be interested.

- Baekhunnie

I finally closed my eyes and let sleep overtake me.

Tomorrow would surely be interesting....


Hey babes!

The first chapter is never interesting, but I promise you it gets better! Hang in there 😉

Please leave me some feedback!

Annyeong! ✨💞

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