Chapter 9 (Who Is The Daddy?)

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Hey guys!

I'm back with another chapter!


Baekhyun's POV

"Mr.Byun! Didn't I tell you to iron my suit?" Mr.Park yelled from upstairs.

Sometimes he called me Baekhyun and sometimes he called me Mr. Byun. What was up with his mood swings all the time?

I have been working for him forore than a month now and I had to say, he had gotten even worse. I literally never saw him smile.

It was also Haneul's birthday next week, on May 3rd, which just happened to be my birthday week as well, May 6th to be exact and I had yet to ask my boss to get that week off. I had to admit, I was scared to ask him.

Because knowing him so far, he was heartless.

"I'm s-sorry, Sir! I'll do it right now!" He didn't even ask me to iron his suit, because I would have done it immediately.

"You better." I suddenly heard him say, as he walked down the stairs.

I turned around to bow down to him, even though I had no reason to. The sight I saw, caused my mouth to hang wide open.

He wasn't wearing a suit this time.

He was wearing blue jeans shorts, a black shirt and a black snapback. I even saw his six-pack and huge biceps through his shirt! And just now I noticed that he also had tattoos....

Which, for some reason, looked oddly familiar....

Overall, he looked really good.


"Oh, hello, Sir. Are you hungry? I could make you something to eat?" I offered him, not wanting to make him even more upset.

But before he could answer, my phone suddenly rang. It was Kyungsoo.

I looked at Loey Park, giving him an apologetic look, before putting the iron down and taking the call.

"Yes, Soo?"

"Baekhyun! Sorry to disturb you, but Kai and I can't find Haneul's medicine. Where did you put it again?"

I heard some crying in the background, causing me to get worried. What happened to my baby?!

"Soo! Why is Haneul crying?" I asked, panicking. He was literally wailing so loud!

"Don't worry, Baek. It's because of his teeth. He keeps nibbling on his fingers, too, so we put gloves on his hands."

"Are you sure? Do you need me to come? What if there is something wrong with my baby?" I couldn't help but let out a couple of tears, ignoring the fact that Mr. Park was watching me. Was it normal for babies to be sick like all the time?

"Baekhyun, no. Just tell me where his medicine is. We will take him to the park afterwards anyway, to play with him."

"It's on my bedside table in my room. Make sure to give him water, too, because the taste is too bitter for him and he tends to gag."

"I know, Baek. Don't worry, okay? I'll see you later."

"Soo, wait! Can you put me on speaker, please?" I wishpered a sorry to my boss and he just nodded.

I still had attachment issues with my baby, not used to being away for such a long period of time. I was working more and more.

"Haneul-ah, baby. It's Papa!" I giggled quietly and he immediately stopped crying when he heard my voice.

God, my heart was hurting so bad.


"Stop crying, baby, okay? Papa will be home soon and give you the biggest cuddles ever, alright?" He continued to call my name quietly, seeming to calm down.

"Papa loves you very much, honey. Say bye bye to me." I cooed. He let out a cute giggle and a hiccup.

"Buh-bye, Pwa-Pwa! Muah."

I gave him a kiss, too and finally hung up.

"I'm so sorry, Sir, but my baby is quite sick at the moment...."

"It's alright."

His mood seemed to have changed and he almost had a softer tone?


"Yes, Sir?" I looked up at him and he seemed to be deep in thought.

"If you are the Papa, then who is the Daddy?" Well, this was getting awkward. He knew, that I was a single parent, so why was he trying to make me uncomfortable by asking that question?

And also, I didn't even know the answer to this question.... I only knew his first name.

"Uhm, Sir.... It sounds stupid, but I don't know. It h-happened accidentally." I just said and looked away.

"Hm. Perhaps at a club?" My eyes widened in shock. Damn, him and his instincts.

How did he even know that?!

"Uhm, y-yes." I stuttered out, not knowing why I even bothered to answer him.

"Didn't you once say, that he was 11 months old, soon turning one?" I nodded, where was he going with that?

"In fact, I have to ask you something, Sir."

"Go ahead."

"His birthday, and mine also, are next week. And I wanted to ask, if I perhaps could get the week off? I know, that it is of short notice, but my baby is turning one year old and it's very important to me. Actually, it's enough if I get the day off on his birthday. I don't have to get the whole week off, just his birthday-" He cut me off by chuckling.

"Baekhyun, it's fine."

"Oh my goodness, really? Thank you so much, Sir!"

"So you got pregnant approximately 1 year and 9 to 10 months ago..." He mumbled, to which I'm sure he didn't want me to understand, but I did.

Yet, I kept quiet.

"But under one condition."

"A-Alright...." Shit, what was coming now?

"I want to be invited." Okay, I definitely didn't see that coming. Why did he want to join my baby's birthday party? It's not like it's his kid. I laughed quietly at that dumb thought.

"Sure, Sir. You and Sehun are invited!" I giggled and clapped my hands excitedly.

My baby was turning one year old!

"Good. Thank you."

"Alright... I can make you some food now, if you want?" I changed the topic, to which he just shook his head and continued to just stare at me.

"Mr. Byun."

"Yes, Sir?"

"You are doing a good job at raising your child.... Alone. And you are a good father to your baby."

Did I really just hear him correctly? Did he seriously just compliment me? What was up with him?

I let out a smile and enjoyed his nice treatment. Which wasn't going to last long.

"T-Thank, Sir. I try my hardest for him. And everything I do is for Haneul."

He just nodded and walked upstairs.

What just happened?


Guys, Chanyeol is adding things up! Yay!

Let me know your thoughts down below!

Thank you for reading! 📖💞


The CEO's Baby (ChanBaek Fanfiction) حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن