Chapter 7 (hospital)

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Hey babes!

I'm back with another chapter!


Baekhyun's POV

My first day at work was surely... interesting to say the least. Having to clean the mansion wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, because most of it was clean already. But the thing that made me the most exhausted, was my boss, Mr.Park. He came back a couple hours later, but he didn't even say a word to me. He didn't even tell me anything about himself, nor did he say goodbye to me, once I had worked for 8 hours. He was lucky that he was hot.

But I decided not to let it get to me. I had my baby boy to look forward to when I got home.

"Papa is back, baby! I missed my little angel so much." I cooed and picked him up from Jongin's lap.

"How was your day, Baekhyunie?"

"It was okay, I guess. Not the best job in the world, but I am willing to do anything at this point. I really need the money." I let out a deep sigh and told them everything that went on.

"You know that you have us, right? If you still hate the job by the end of this week, then quit. It's not worth it, because you aren't happy." Kyungsoo said and I nodded. I guess it was too early to judge.

Maybe Loey just had a bad day?

"I can talk to Sehun, if you want."

"No, Jongin. It's okay, really. It's really not that bad and Sehun is actually an angel. I'm sure we'll become good friends."

"He is a great guy and so is his boyfriend, Luhan. Maybe we all can hang out soon." He offered and I agreed happily.

"Aren't you tired, Haneul-ah? It's past your bedtime." I kissed his tiny nose to which he yawned.

"He has been coughing a lot, Baekhyun. You definitely need to take him to the doctor." Kyungsoo said and I looked down at my baby, worried. He has been sick lately. A lot. And I was getting scared that it might be something serious.

"Oh God, I'm gonna take him to the hospital now."

"Calm down, Baekhyunie. He has been teething, it's normal for babies to become sick and become a fever. I have the day off tomorrow as well, so I'm gonna come with you guys." Jongin said and I sighed.

My poor baby....

"Did he eat normally today or didn't he have an appetite?"

"He ate all of his food, I'm pretty sure it's because of his teeth. He is also nibbling on his fingers."

"I know it's because of his teeth, but I can't help but worry. I don't wanna mess up as a parent. It's tough already as a single parent."

"Don't worry, Hyun. If it makes you feel any better, we can go to the hospital to get some closure."

"Yes, please. Thanks Kyungsoo."


We came back from the hospital and thankfully, everything was fine with Haneul. I couldn't help, but still feel worried. My heart was still pounding very fast.

"How are you, Baekhyun-ah?" Jongin asked me. I was in the backseat with Haneul, holding him close, while he was asleep.

"I'm fine, thank you guys for coming with me."

"It's fine, don't worry about it. Why don't we stay over tonight, so you can get enough rest?" Kyungsoo said and I declined.

"No, it's okay. I'm so thankful for you guys. I feel like I'm such a burden to you." I sighed. I had to make it up to them one day.

"Don't say nonsense. We are family. That's what a family is supposed to do." I let out a happy tear and looked down at my sleeping baby.

We finally arrived at my apartment and I placed Haneul into his baby crib, before turning on his baby phone.

I hugged my friends close, before thanking them again.

"Jongin cooked some food, why don't you heat it up?"

"Thank you, but I'm not that hungry. All I need is a shower and some sleep."

"Alright, Baek. We'll head out now. If you need anything, just call us, okay?"

I nodded and thanked them once again.

"You sure you don't want us to come over tomorrow?"

"No, you guys spend some time together, please. You help me out so much and I don't even know how to thank you guys for everything."

"Nonsense, Baek. We love you guys and we love Haneul. It's good to practice a bit before having our own family, right, baby?" Kyungsoo smirked and pecked Jongin's cheek, to which the younger blushed.

I wanted a love like theirs.

"I love you so much, guys."

"I love you, Baek."

"Love you, Baekhunie!"

And with that, they left.

I sighed and went into my bedroom to check up on Haneul, before going into the bathroom to take a shower. I thought over everything. My job was a pain in the ass already, but I needed it to so bad. And who knows, maybe my boss was going to change?

Gosh, I hoped so...

I decided to call it a night and got ready to sleep. But I just couldn't fall asleep. A was a bit worried over a couple of things and I knew that stressing my head over it, wasn't going to solve anything. But I just couldn't control it. I walked over to Haneul's bed and placed my hand on his chubby cheek, stroking it.

He really was my happiness and my purpose in life. Everything I did, was for this tiny human being.

"I love you so much, angel. Thank you for saving my life."

I reminded him again and he let out a tiny smile in his sleep.

I had the day off tomorrow, so I decided to take Haneul to the park tomorrow. I knew, that he wasn't able to go down on the slide or ride the swings by himself, but I was going on those things with him.

I sighed and got back into my bed. I grabbed my phone and my finger hovered over my mother's contact. I wanted to text her so bad, even though I knew that she had blocked my number. And the same went for my father. And before I knew it, a tear was rolling down my cheek.

Why couldn't I just be a normal person who had a normal family? I wanted nothing more than to have supportive grandparents for my baby. They didn't have to like me or accept me. I just wanted my baby to grow up with at least one pair of caring grandparents.

But no, instead my baby had a depressed Papa, his other Daddy was god knows where and he had no grandparents. Just my luck, huh?

That's why I was even more thankful for my best friends who were the best uncles to my son.

Okay, calm down, Baekhyun. It's time to get some beauty sleep. My brain reminded me and I sighed.

Maybe I really needed a therapist....


Poor Baekhyun.... 😞

Please leave me some feedback in the comments below!

Thank you guys for reading 📖💞


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