Chapter 25 (pretending)

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Hey babes!

Happy new year ❤️

I'm finally back with another chapter!


Baekhyun's POV

Chanyeol and I had agreed for him to come visit Haneul every weekend. It was hard for me, considering I wanted to see him pretty much every day. But it was especially hard for Haneul. He asked for his Daddy every day, even crying for him.

Like right now. He was throwing a tantrum, because his daddy wasn't there to play ducky with him. Meaning, giving him a bath, while creating a mess on the bathroom floor with water and soap.

I tried everything to calm him down, yet it didn't work. I even gave him some candy, but nope. It still wasn't enough.

I didn't want to call Chanyeol either, because I didn't want to seem desperate. He would probably think that I was using Haneul as an excuse just to call or see him.

It's not like I didn't want to see him, though....

"Haneul, stop that, please. That's not nice." I scolded him as he stomped his feet on the floor.

"Where DaDa!?"

"He is at work, baby. He will come visit you soon, yeah?"

"No! DaDa play Ducky now!" I sighed. This was going nowhere.

"What about PaPa? You want to play Ducky with PaPa?"

"No... PwaPwa no fun."

"Uhm, excuse me, Byun Haneul!"

"I sowwy, PwaPwa..." He giggled quietly, covering his tiny mouth with his hand. I acted like I wasn't offended.

Seemed like Chanyeol slowly took over my place now. But that was okay. As long as he wasn't lying to our son.

"That wasn't very nice, Haneul."

"I sowwy, PwaPwa. Wuf yew." I took him into my arms and peppered his tiny face with lots of kisses.

"I love you more, baby."

"Tall DaDa?"

"I know, baby. DaDa is indeed very tall."

"No! Tall DaDa! Hello DaDa!"

Oh! He wanted to call his Daddy....

"DaDa is at work, Haneul. We can call him after he is done with work, okay?"

"PwaPwa no! PwaPwa meany!" I've literally never seen Haneul act that way before. He was so attached to Chanyeol, it was crazy. I mean, he was his father, so of course he would be attached to him. But still, I didn't even think he was that attached to me, even though I gave birth to him!

"Haneul, you are being very bad right now. DaDa is at work, baby. We can call him later, alright? How about we watch a movie, hm?" He was still teary eyed and my heart broke. I wanted to call him more than anything, but I knew he would not pick up.

"I sowwy, PwaPwa." I gave him lots of cuddles, before giving in and calling his Daddy.

And surprisingly, after a couple of rings, he even picked up.

"Baby? Hey..."

"Hi Chanyeol." I was suddenly feeling very shy and didn't know what else to say and of course Haneul was going crazy after hearing his daddy's voice.


"Hi there, angel. Did you miss me?"

"Yuhhhh. PwaPwa meany!"

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