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"no-no, no don't cry baby" I cooed, I am currently sitting in the nursery at 3 in the morning trying to calm down my crying baby whilst Draco sleeps, Scorpius is officially 2 months old now and is growing so quickly Draco and I don't know what to do. Lucius has been absolutely amazing with him, he and Draco are also reconsolidating their relationship which is the most beautiful thing to see, Narcissa is always so happy now and her and Lucius are currently away on a small holiday just the two of them which is absolutely adorable. wedding plans are coming together beautifully we just have to work ut who we are inviting to it which is easily one of the most stressful things although it is somewhat better now that Lucius doesn't have such a closed mind about other blood types, don't get me wrong he doesn't like them but he puts up with them and hasn't used to word mudblood in a while. i am humming a little melody i remember my mother humming to me when I was younger "ah finally you are asleep" i whiper to the tiny wizard in my hands "I wish you payed that such attention to me " draco says catching me off guard "I do pay this much attention to you but in different ways" i said and put my hand on the waist band of his trousers "ah yes in sexual favours" he winked and I rolled my eyes playfully "yes draco that reminds me do you think you are going to get a little sibling once your parents are back" i asked and he looked disgusted "please darling don't talk about my parents sex life its just yucky" "yucky" i asked smiling at his us of baby words "yes yucky the only sex life I care about is mine" he said and pulled me into him "okay okay Im going to get ready i want to go take scorp to diagon alley to meet George and i was hoping you would come with me" i asked and batterd my eye lashes "don't give me that look" he said and put his hand around my throat "or what" i retorted and walked out of the room "I'm going to shower" i said as i got to the door and i don't think I've ever seen draco malfoy move so quickly.

i was taking my clothes off in the bathroom when the door burst open to reveal a very flustred blonde "were not showering together" i said and got under the water and released a moan as the hot water cascaded down my back "what are you doing" draco asked from outside the shower "I'm showering" i said innocenlty putting shampoo on my h/c hair "no you are teasing me" he hissed and i heard clothes dropping on the floor and my back firmly pressed against someone "i thought i said no showering together" "ye but we are not going to shower are we princess" he said suddectivley in my ear and started kissing my neck "i thought you said no showering together y/n should i leave" he smirked "no just carry on" i pleaded and he swooped back down kissing me 


"hello georgie" i said as i walked to the counter whilst. draco took scorpius around but i think draco was more excited to see everything "hello my dear sister wheres the family" he asked smirking "dracos pretending to show scorp the stuff while he really looks" i explained and he laughed "merlin this is amazing" draco said as he looked at everything "y/n can i please get one of these"he begged which made me laugh "of course I'm sure scorp would love it" i said and his eyes widened "yes of course scorpius" he muttered " i still cant belive my little baby sister has a baby of her own" george said and put an arm around me "i know i also cant" i said and went to look at some other stuff while George helped other people, i was reaching for a buub.e machine when i felt someone get it for me "here you go you shouldn't struggle" the man said handing it to me "thank you" i said "I'm naoh Williams" he said i shook his hand "I'm y/n thank you for helping me but i should be going back" i said started walking off when he stooped me "let em take you out at least" he said "oh I'm sorry you must get the wrong idea I'm engaged and i have a child" i said and he looked shocked 'oh well I'm sorry" he said and walked about "well if it isn't miss y/n" i heard someone yell across the shop "hello adrien " i said and hugged him "I've missed you y/n/n so much" he said and we both let go "so what brought you here out of all places" he asked "i came to see George actually'i replied "good sister so what been happening anything new" he question "hm hm" a voice said fro m behind him "hello malfoy-merlin why do you have a child" he asked shocked "i stole it" he joked and i rolled my eyes "have you shown y/n yet here" he said and pushed me in front "hello malfoy baby looks like you i feel bad for the mother" i joked "ah yes y/n you would know wouldn't you" he replied "so you've seen the baby who would have thought malfoy a father" adrien said oblivious "yes adrian I've sen the baby but also birthed it fed it changed it and everything else " i replied and he still looked confused but something in his brain started working "holy merlin its your child" he said unreasonably loud "yes pucey she is the mother and also my fiance" draco said proudly "wow congratulations" he said and hugged me "thank you addie we should get together everyone" i said and he nodded "yes definitely but i should go see you babes" he said and left the shop "hello draco can i finally see my nephew" george said and draco nodded "wow he looks like a mini malfoy-" he started but was interrupted by a old voice 

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