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The next morning I woke up to pansy screeching my name at the door "GET UP WE ARE GOING TO BE LATE" "I'm coming hold on" I grabbed my wand and books "I'm here" "good let's go" she grabbed my arm and pulled me down the stairs into the great hall

"hello boys" I said to the group boys who sat in front of me "y/n how come your skirt is so short we can see up it you know" crabbe said which earned him an elbow in stomach from Blaise and Draco "oh well I like crabbe it wouldn't be hard but to look up it you know" I retorted making the girls laugh breakfast was normal

until I felt someone tap my should I turned around to see a very attractive boy standing there "oh hey Adrian what's up" I asked "I wanted to know if you'd go with me to hogsmeade on Saturday" "ye sure I'd love to too" I said and he left "ooh looks like y/n has got a date and on the second day of school impressive"Blaise said "I told you y/i your gonna get laid before all of us" daphne said cause everyone to laugh and me to just blush but our conversation was cut short by Draco slamming his fists in the table "what's up mate you okay" nott asked "yes I'm fine let's go to class we have that oaf first" and we all got up too leave until pansy pulled me aside "see he's jealous he likes you I'm gonna ask him about you mmkay" "pans I think I like him" she started yelling " I knew it I'm so good I knew it I'm gonna make it happen" causing everyone including our friend group to give us weird looks

"Don't be such a wimp longbottom" pansy said as we approached the boy who was being attacked by the book
"Open to page 49 please" hagrid asked "and how exactly do we do that"Draco asked "you stroke it of course" hagrid replied I was watching the way he stroked the book with his rings I must have been doing it for so long because I was brought out if my trance the annoying voice of granger "I think they are funny" "oh ye really funny terribly witty god this place has gone to the dogs wait until my father hears dumbledors got this oaf teaching classes"Draco spat "shove up malfoy" Harry said Draco took big strides to the raven headed boy "dementor dementor"Draco cried and Harry his gang of gryffindors turned around in a panic and our slytherin friend group pulled up our hoods and wiggled our fingers like dementors and started laughing "really y/n I expected more from you" hermione said "who do you think you are speaking to me like that you filthy mudblood"I said venom dripping on the words we were interrupted by the ogre showing us a huge bird he called buck beak Draco and pushed passed everyone and leaned on a rock "now who'd like to pat him everyone stepped back "well done arry come here" hagrid siad and the boy approached it he pet it and bowed to it "now I think he'll let you ride him" and his grid put the terrified boy on the beast "of course it would be him" I siad rather loudly causing my friend group to laugh and earn looks from the gryffindors "don't be so rude y/n just because you don't have good friends don't be jealous of us" Ron said "Ron go suck a huge dick" I said back to red head causing hermione to shake head and Ron to glare at me "shit who knew you were like this maybe they should call you the slytherin princess" Draco said making me blush

once Harry was back and off malfoy pushed passed everyone again
"Your not scary are you, you Great ugly brute" malfoy said as he approached the beast "malfoy stay back" hagrid said but before he could do anything buck beak attacked him "it's killed meh it's killed Meh Draco whined and pansy pushed me forward to do something "he's got to go to the hospital wing"granger called and the giant picked him up "y/n bring his stuff and meet us there" hagrid suggested "go look after your boyfriend" pansy said to me and I left "I'm going to kill you and that beast" Draco continued

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