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---after the kitchen on the way back to the common room---

3rd person pov

"what do you think they'll say"y/n asked "i dont know but they'll be happy for us and to get their bestfriend back especially pansy she's been a wreck"he said as they walked up to the portrait 'pureblood' they recited and entered "you back and together" pansy yelled "haha were back" y/n said "finally i knew you guys would get together you owe me 10 galleons daph" millicent exclaimed "umm sorry but were not together together" y/n said with a bit of sadness " oh sorry" millicent said and pansy smirked " now I'm sorry to break the reunion up but us girls need to go to bed we have a busy day tommorow" pansy said pulling the 3 girls up to y/n's dorm room.


'soooo tell us everything"daphne's squealed "well we were in the potions room and snape had left us alone and he started talking and then crying about how much much he loved me and missed me and how he wanted me back and after that we got to talking i told him what was happening with cedric and the others and he was cross about cedric but understating with the other 3" i explained "hold on wait he said he loves you" millicent asked confused " ye but I'm sure he meant it in the friend way you know" i finished " well for what he was telling us i dont think he meant it in the friend way at all you should have seen him an absolute mess all the time" pansy said mater of factly

" are you being serious so he still likes me" i questioned " of course he still likes you he never stopped he just to jealous like really jealous" daphne's said getting up " we should go to bed we have a busy day well see you tomorrow y/n/n" and they all got up and left.

once they were gone i brushed my teeth and had a shower and soon i went of to bed thinking about draco and if he likes me still because i know the feelings i had for the blonde boy never faded or left if anything they are stronger now and i fell into a deep slumber.

i was woken by the light beaming onto my face i turned to see the clock on the wall 6:00 am time to get ready i walked over to the bathroom and showered then i stat the vanity set and put on my makeup i then opened my closet to be met with the perfect black clothing i owned on decided on a black skater skirt and black croptop then over that i had put my slytherin robes and headed to the great hall

"good morning" i said walking to the table "hey princess" draco said first "hey y/n/n"pansy said happily "what do we have first" i asked "potions for 3 hours end me now" daphne's said jokingly i felt a tap on my shoulder i turned around to see flint montague and pucey standing behind me " hello loves whats up" i asked "um ron was looking for you he asked us to tell you to meet him at quidditch pitch after your potions lesson" flint said " oh ye sure thanks for telling me" i said back " so babe we know your friends with the durmstrang boys and wanted to know if you were going to the party tonight because we dont really know any else whose been invited and dint want to look like idiots showing up there" montague said " oh ye i am going we can go together" i suggested " ye like a date we will meet outside your dorm at 7 sharp" adrian said " sounds good see you" i then winked at them and they left

"what was that about sounds like you can have a date after all" blaise teased "shush blaise we all know they like her but i want to know what your brother wants" millicent said "umm okay but its not a date firstly and i just hope my brother isn't trying to kill me" i said and got up "draco you coming" i motioned for him to come " ye lets go princess" he said and got up "i haven't asked you yet how do you feel after he whole death eater work cup incident" he said breaking the beautiful silence "oh well um i wasnt scared more like intrigued i dont know i always though i would make a good death eater i even wrote a couple letters to voldermort but he's dead so i can't send them they just lie at the bottom of my draw" i explained " oh that cool you want to be a death eater its not a very common thing people want to be" he said " ye i know but i just have always been interested in joining them but i guesss it'll never happen" i said as we reached the class

if things were differentNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ