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i have been spending the first two week of summer at the safe house  and every night i would apparate to malfoy manner to tell the dark lord what the order was planning with harry, today i would be last time i aparated there before he attacks harry while he's being moved into the safe house we were staying at. hermione was already staying with us here at the house with half the order. i woke very late and went downstairs to make sure no one was a wake i then went behind the house and apparated to malfoy manner, when i got their i walked through the meeting room doors "good evening y/n" the lord said "good evening my lord" i replied and then severes came in behind me "severes i was beginning to think you had lost your way come we've saved you a seat" the lord said and snape sat next to him " you bring news i assume" voldemort asked " it will happen saturday next at night fall" snape informed "i have heard different my lord donahue the aura has let slip that the potter boy wont be moved until the 30th of this month"yaxley  said "this is a false trail" snape interrupted "my lord severus is correct he is being moved saturday" i said confidently "the aura part of the ministry dont have anything to do with moving potter as they belive we have infiltrated the ministry they had a meeting about this topic this morning" i continued and the lord looked pleased "what you say pius" the lord asked "one hears many things my lord which among them is the truth is un known" pius continue "spoken like a true politician" the lord said and laughed "where will he be taken" the lord asked " to a safe house mostly the home of someone in the order I'm told they have very manner of security once there it would be unwise to attack him " snape "is this true y/n"he asked "it is true my lord they wont even tell me where it is" i confirmed "hm hm my lord id like to volunter myself for this task i want to kill the boy " bellatrix said proudly giving me a smile which i returned all of a sudden we heard screaming "WORM TAIL HAVE I NOT TOLD YOU ABOUT KEEPING OUR GUEST QUEIT" voldermort shouted "yes my lord right away my lord" peter said and ran off " as inspiring i find your blood lust bellatrix i have to be then to kill the boy" voldermort said and bella let out a disappointed noise "but i face an unfortunate compilation that my wand and harry potters share the same core they are in some ways twins we can wound but not fatal harm one another if i am to kill him i am to do it with another wand"voldermort said walking behind the malfoy and i, i noticed Draco tense up next to me and all i wanted to do was hug him and kiss him till he feels better "come im sure one o you would like the honour to know your wand killed harry potter what about you lucius" he said and for the first time i saw lucius actually scared "my lord"lucius choked out "my lord" voldermot mocked " i require your wand' the lord said and such his hand out for it lucius reluctantly gave it to him with shaking hands"do i detect elm" the lord asked "yes my lord" locus whispered *snap* the lord snapped the snake head of his wand  "and what is the core" the lord asked "dragon-" he cleared his throat "dragon heartstring my lord" the blonde said then through the head on the table and trend to use the wand, he brought closer the floating person whom i had just noticed i saw dracos eyes fill with tears as she approached "to those of you who do not know this is charity burbidge who recently taught at hogwarts school of witch craft and wizardry her speciality was muggle studdies' the dark lord said and people started to laugh "it is miss burbidges belief that muggles are not so different from us and we should mate with them to her the mixture of magical and normal blood is not an abomination  but something to be encouraged" " se-se-severus pl-ples-please were friends severus please" the teacher begged  "AVADA KEDAVRA" the lord cast and the teacher fell right in front of draco and i, the blonde boy jumped scaredly and had yet again tears pooling in his eyes "nagini dinner"he said coldly and the snake attacked. 

"are you alright dear" narcissa asked me in the kitchen "yes thank you how are you" i replied "you are staying here the night of the attack correct you will just slip away with them" narcissa said "yes then the lord said i am going to stay here until we go back to hogwarts i hope that alright i dont want to impose or anything " i said and she nodded "of corse you are like a daughter to us we love you" she said kindly then draco came in "hello y/n" he said no one knew we were together again and we kept distance while everyone was around "you dont need to lie when I'm around i know you two are together" narcissa said happily "i dont know what you are talking about mother"draco said "you two are soulmates meant for each other dont think i dont see the looks the give each other or way draco is only calm when youre here y/n you both love each other and dont need to hide it infront of me i love it now draco go greet y/n/n properly" she said matter of factly and draco pulled me into a hug " i miss you so much i havnt slept properly since youve been gone" draco whispered into my neck " me too" was all i replied when narcissa interrupted "i would love for this to last longer but its nearly 6 in the morning people will be up soon y/n/n" she said and gave me hug goodbye. 

if things were differentOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz