Unparalleled Peril

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In a cold mountain somewhere, underneath of it, lies a frozen species that has taken a slumber for a long time. And finally, it has wakened up as a huge monster rose from underneath and walks into the surface.

"Long have I awaited this moment, human filth. With the Subterranean and Deep Sea King gone, the Terror Lizard Clan can at last reclaim rulership of the Earth!" The monster lizard exclaimed.

"Woaah!!" Some of the casts cooed in surprise as they see the monster.

"I-It's bigger than a normal Titan!" Historia said.

"Its height matches the Colossal Titan." Pieck said.

"Subterraneans? Deep Sea King? Is he afraid of those bums?! What a coward!" Phinks said.

"How in the world no one observed this monster's movements?" Katsuto asked.

"I thought for a second it was Godzilla." Leo said.

"Godzilla won't talk, dumbass." Erika said.

"But I said I thought it was!" Leo cried.

"Love quarrel!" Sasha teased on the two.

"E-Eh?!" The two cried.

"Whoever brought that thing on Earth must've been an alien." Silva said.

"You do believe in them?" Zeno asked.

"Of course. Just like those Chimera Ants." Silva replied.

Missiles were fired on the monster but it was no use as it still walks forward. It didn't notice a vehicle below it that observes its movements.

"Now leading target towards point Bravo."

"Roger." The pilot of an aircraft replied.

"We are inbound and on schedule. We'll be on top of Bravo shortly." An agent from the Hero Association said. The launchpad was opened as Tatsumaki was deployed towards the monster and she lands on it with an annoyed look. The title "Unparalleled Peril" appeared on the screen and the opening started to play.

"Tatsumaki?" Miyuki asked.

"This is the best time to see the S-Class' true power! If they are monsters as I'm expecting." Shalnark said.

"I'm hoping for surprises on their line-up though." Netero said.

"What do you mean, chairman?" Eren asked.

"Some people who we wouldn't think that would be an S-Class rank hero because of their powers. Like Metal Knight, that huge robot who has full artillery of destruction within him. And I remember, there was a kid too on the opening." Netero said as the S-Class heroes appeared on the opening.

"But Amai Mask isn't an S-Class. So why is he included?" Chiyoda asked.

"That's what we want to know later on." Mayumi said.

"A fat guy as an S-Class?! What does he do? Eat monsters?!" Leorio asked in shock.

"Of course it isn't possible. Maybe he is a defensive type of a Class S." Kurapika said.

"And who are you?" The monster asked Tatsumaki who receives a phone call.

"Hello? What is it? What do you mean, "come back"?! You're the one who said some weirdo monster was waking up and flew me out here!" Tatsumaki yelled.

"Weirdo...?" The monster asked.

That's right. I was just about to start." Tatsumaki replied.

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