The Modern Ninja

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"A little reminder to everyone. You're about to see in this next episode some technical difficulties which were not our work. Thank you." Jiren said.

"Technical difficulties? Is this episode broken?" Leorio asked.

"Someone's balls will be smashed." Josuke chuckled.

"I think I'll hate what we'll see later." Erika said.

"Why are we forced to work?! Why we must pay money to eat?! Can't we all just share?! The rich get fat while the poor die! How can the world call this freedom?! We are all slaves to our work! And is work fun? No! How could it be?!

We do not want to work, period! That's why I, Hammerhead, will change our society into one where only those who want to work will work, while the rest are supported! We will create a utopia! The Paradisers led by me, Hammerhead, will make all this a reality!" A huge bald man wearing an armor named Hammerhead exclaimed in front of the plaza but none of the people around noticed his presence.

"Boss, no one's listening." One bald member of the Paradisers behind Hammerhead said.

"What?! Dammit! These civilians are idiots! Let's go! Zeniru's the richest man in town. We'll wreck his posh penthouse and show them we're serious! High-rise apartments are symbols of inequality!" Hammerhead exclaimed.

"Yes, sir!" The Paradisers replied and the opening song has begun.

"Huh?! What is he talking about not to work?! Is he crazy?" Eren angrily asked.

"Calm down, Eren." Mikasa said.

"His arguments are pretty stupid. To be fair exact, we work for our own sake, not because we only work for someone like our boss." Katsuto said.

"Share? Do you only want to get a share from a thing you're not a part of it? It's also unfair for the ones who worked hard then!" Erika said.

"He acts like a child. That's all I can say." Tatsuya said.

"I agree." Erwin said.

"He's a huge man, he can work harder than the others out there. Why he can just realize more about society today?" Leo sighed.

The Paradisers arrived at a huge building where they assume to be Zeniru's building.

"This whole building is Zeniru's home." One Paradiser said.

"There's no way he made so much money legally. Unforgivable! Bring it down!" Hammerhead ordered.

"Yes, sir!" One Paradiser replied as his arm enlarged with the help of his armor and destroys the building with a single punch.

"Target destroyed!" The Puncher said.

"Hm, these experimental battle suits sure pack a wallop. It was definitely worth risking our lives to steal them." Hammerhead said.

"Wait, that was the wrong building. My bad, Boss. Zeniru's house is a little further up." One Paradiser said while looking at the map and Hammerhead looks at him with a dumb look.

"Hey! So they killed innocent people in that building?! That's unforgivable!" Gon said.

"What a pain, this man needs to be punished." Wing said.

"I wish Saitama can kick his ass for killing those innocent people." Jean said.

"We hope for that too, Jean." Mina said.

"But that building looks fake though. It got knocked down so easily." Mayumi said.

"But the lives inside the building are also fake too?! Is that what you're trying to say?!" Eren angrily asked.

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