Human Monster

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Criminals and assassins laughing in the background

"Is that true? You asked these ruffians for help? That's what the Hero Association decided to do?" Blue Fire asked in a disappointing look.

"That's right! We must come together as one to scale the wall that humanity is now facing! We currently have 390 C Class, 101 B Class, 38 A-Class, and 17 S Class heroes! That's clearly not enough! I'm not asking you to do this for free! As long as you take care of the monsters, I'll make sure that you're compensated!" Sitch yelled in a desperate tone.

"Criminals against the monsters?! Is he thinking right?! How is he sure that those morons will accept his offer just like that?! I mean, compensation probably won't be enough to make them agree to the deal!" Gon said.

"He had no choice but to use their power and evil side to take down the incoming disaster that might take down the humanity itself. Sitch, himself is fighting the fire using fire as well..." Erwin said.

"But... a villainous fire..." Levi uttered.

"They might add more human casualties instead of saving them. This is bad!" Leo said.

"Don't bother. It's a waste of money. When it comes down to it, none of these fools are going to be worth anything." Heavy Tank Loincloth said. A criminal leaps from nowhere towards the hero and points his small knife on it.

"I can't let that comment slide. I'm pretty sure I've killed more guys than you. Wanna try me?" The criminal asked.

"These fools... lack conviction!" Heavy Tank Loincloth said and elbows the criminal down.

"Words aren't powerful enough to prove how strong you are. What a jerk." Machi said.

"He's too naïve. I wonder if he lost his head after that." Feitan said.

"It got stuck probably on his neck." Phinks laughed.

"B-But..." Sitch uttered.

"Oh, come on. This thing is spot-on... Totally spot-on. This so-called great prophecy really nailed it. Guess they knew that the worst threat level, God level, would be upon us. The old guy's right. Even if everyone here worked together, you wouldn't be able to kill me." An unknown man said.

"Huh? And who are you?" Sitch asked.

"I'm Garo. I trained because I admired monsters, and I've crushed one dojo after another. Well, what's the holdup? Come at me all at once. Let's find out who's the strongest. That's why I came here." The man named Garo said.

"G-Garo? You mean Silverfang's student before?!" Killua asked.

"So that's Garo... He looks strong..." Hisoka said.

"Crushed one dojo after another...? That's a pretty achievement he has." Uvogin said.

"What can he do with that big mouth of his? Is he really strong?" Nobunaga asked.

"Don't. This is nonsense." Sitch said.

"Nonsense?" Garo asked.

"I've had enough of you. You can leave." Sitch said.

"Is that how you treat your guests, Mr. Lawman of Justice? Welp, I've made up my mind. Cowards need to be punished. I'm about to commit an evil deed and have myself a massacre party." Garo said with an evil stare.

"I'm very sorry to bother you three, but it's time to work. Show him the door." Sitch said.

"With pleasure." Magic Trickman said and runs into Garo but ends up getting choked with both hands. Heavy Tank Loincloth punches Garo but he is nowhere to be found.

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