Monster Uprising

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"Here he comes..."

"The man himself!"

"The crowd's energy changed..." Sourface asked as the crowd starts to get alive and roaring.

"Why's that?" Saitama asked.

"No one expected to see this man compete again! Every person in here is abuzz with excitement! Suiryu has entered the ring! His opponent is Max!" The announcer exclaimed.

"Their cheer sounds like this man is a legend..." Tatsuya said.

"And the crowd loves his presence." Erika said.

"Suiryu..." Eren uttered.

'Look at this big shot. Could he really be so much better than me? No, not at all. Remember back, Lightning Max. This isn't the one you're after. Compared to that monster, this guy's just a scrub.'

"Suiryu! I have to get stronger. If I fail, I can't be a hero and protect people. Sorry, it has to be this way, but I consider you a capable opponent, so I'll use you to test out my new monster-fighting technique!" Lightning Max said.

"Unlike the time he fought the Deep Sea King, he was using his lightning boots, am I right? Then how about this time he's not wearing one?" Armin asked.

"Monster-fighting technique... Would it work against him?" Reiner asked.

"We haven't seen Suiryu fight. But for Lightning Max, honestly, I don't see any hopes of him winning this one." Annie said.

"He talks as if he's already stronger than him, just because he's a hero? Hah! Pathetic!" Uvogin said.

"He boasts his experience from fighting that Deep Sea King monster. But he didn't even land a decisive blow on the monster. This battle is already settled." Chrollo said.

"So you're a pro hero, right? I see. You train with lofty ideas in mind. I guess everyone's got their own reason to seek strength." Suiryu said.

"Fighters, take your stance. Begin!" The referee called and Max charges at Suiryu at full speed. 

"Lightning... Front Tuck Giant Double Axe Kick!" Suiryu launches a double axe kick from spinning in mid-air, but Suiryu kicks his face without getting hit by the said attack.

"The reason I sought strength... was so I could live the easy life. I was stronger. Sorry." Suiryu apologized to a knocked-out Max and the crowd loved the attack he made against the hero, and the opening starts to play.

"Th-That was... Unreal!" Jean said.

"Holy crap!" Connie added.

"Not bad." Annie said.

"With that speed, the timing of Max falling towards him is just perfect for Suiryu to counterattack him with that kick. Hah... I see... That brat's an unordinary fighter." Netero said.

"He had a long name for his attack, yet he just got one-shotted. Amateur." Uvogin laughed.

"Not bad for a handsome face like him huh...?" Feitan asked.

The title "The Monster Uprising" appears on the screen.

"D-Did you see that, Charanko? That kick Suiryu did?!" Sourface asked in shock.

"I did. Why?" Saitama replied.

"What... how're you so calm?" Sourface asked.

'Oh, I get it. Because he's such a newb...' He thought.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2022 ⏰

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