The Last of the E-Series

490 21 14

For so long, it had been dark and cold. There was nothing to be seen, to be heard or to be felt. He was empty and alone and the only thing that had remained was his final memory which had played over and over and over until it had finally begun to fade.

Then the darkness lightened. But only fractionally. It became grey and then he felt warmer.

The darkness got lighter again. He could feel something underneath him, electricity surging through his systems and he felt whole once more, not empty.

The darkness got lighter yet again. He could hear voices. Hushed voices that sounded worried then hopeful.

Warmth. Warm... Warmer... He felt so SO warm.

No grey this time. Now he could pick out blurring or rather pixellated colours and shapes which grew clearer and clearer... Until he focused on a face he thought he recognised.

That colour... Red? No, lighter than red... Pink.

He knew that face.

"Hey there..." 

Her voice sounded older. 

"Mr Robot?" 

Her face became clearer and it too looked older, but still as beautiful. 

"...It's me, Amy Rose. I'm your friend, remember?" 

Oh yes, he remembered. 

"You helped me and Birdie. Remember?"

It was the first time Gamma had tried activating his vocals.

"...Birrr..." His voice was full of static as wires and repaired connections tried to function. But the look of delight on the young hedgehog's face spurred him to try harder.

"That's right," Amy smiled, her hand coming out and resting on the front of the robot's chest. "You remember Birdie?" The bird that Amy had helped years ago had been renamed Lily but Gamma wouldn't know that.

"" Gamma tried to say, more static and a few whirrs buzzing away in his throat, "I am... E-1...0...2..."


The robot's optics blinked and his voice stopped buzzing.


That was his name.

"Welcome home."

He couldn't take his gaze away from the hedgehog. "...F...F-Friend...?"

Green wet eyes softened. "Do you remember me?"

Poor Gamma's mind was working to try and comprehend what was going on. Old memories were now getting in the way of new ones.

"B-Beta..." the robot said and his metal frame shivered. "Where is E...101...Beta?" It was the last thing that Gamma could remember - fighting Beta.

Amy looked over to Vector and Charmy (they'd just come into the room half an hour ago) but they both shrugged.

"...Oh, I, uh, don't know," she replied, "I don't know who Beta is. Is... Was that another friend?"


"Take it easy," Amy soothed, stroking his metal shoulder. "Just rest."

"...Amy." Gamma recalled her name as his optics focused on her again, calming down. "You look older."

"I am older. It's been years since I last saw you. I'm all grown up now." Her smile was the same though. But there was a hint of sadness in her voice. "When I tried looking for you... I couldn't find you. Everyone said you must have gone down on Eggman's ship. I guess we were right."

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