Dawn of a New Era

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While staying in Sonic's dimension and timeline, Silver and Blaze had a rented penthouse suite at the Grand Gold Flicky Hotel in Sunset City, specially reserved for them. It was their literal home away from home although Silver was the one who used it the most because, and in his own words, 'the future is about as much fun as cardboard underpants'. 

As he frequently assured his friends, it wasn't that the future was bad but Silver had no close friends there apart from, perhaps, a friendly neighbour or a chatty acquaintance at the café. He wasn't in much contact with the people at Peacespace anymore either. So long as Silver made sure not to mess up the future, he came and stayed here as often as he liked

It was a very lavish suite. The staff of the Grand Gold Flicky Hotel were under the correct assumption that as Blaze (and Silver, through marriage) was of royal blood, they were deserving of the very best that First Class had to offer. Blaze, on the other hand, had thought that the Royal Suite was much too big for her small family (did they really need four bedrooms all with en-suites?) and so politely requested a set of four rooms - two bedrooms with en-suites, a large kitchen and a penthouse style lounge. With a balcony, of course. The Royal Suite was just one floor above them.

Silver tip-toed pass Steele's room so as not to wake the young prince who was a very light sleeper like his mother. Thankfully, the plush carpet did an excellent job of cancelling any sound made by footsteps. 

Blaze met him as he entered the lounge. She was stood with her arms folded, looking at him with a frown on her face and he already knew what she was going to say.

"We're not arguing this, Blaze," Silver told her nervously. He had never been good at arguing with her. "I've already given my word that I would help."

"And you know I would never make you go back on your word," Blaze answered, "but you have not fully recovered yet. You'll be no help to them at only half-strength."

"Even at no-strength, I can still be of some use."

Blaze leant her head back to stare up at the ceiling and let out a long quiet sigh.


Silver cocked his head on one side and twitched his nose uncertainly. 

His wife then chuckled and finished her sentence. "...You're such a prickly species."

Silver squinted his eyes closed and flashed his pearly white fangs as he grinned. "But we're also very cute?"

"Yes," Blaze smiled back reluctantly, "to all our downfalls. Very well, I know I can't dissuade you when you've made up your mind. If you believe you can help, then I'll believe it as well."

Silver hopped over and gave her a little peck on the cheek. "Thank you!"


The Master Emerald grew quiet once more, emitting its soft green glow onto its Guardian as it settled down at last and a calm returned to Angel Island.

Knuckles stood at the top of the shrine and stared down at his metal counterpart, twisted and smoking at his feet. It had taken hours before Knuckles could shake the pain of Metal Knuckles' torment from his head and yet he knew that the hardy robot was still hanging on to life by a loose wire though he was definitely out of commission for the foreseeable future.

His legs shaking a little, Knuckles hoped he hadn't allowed things to go too far. After all, he hadn't tortured Metal Knuckles - that kind of thing was beneath the likes of Team Sonic. He had simply allowed the Master Emerald had taken grave offense when the robot started to mentally hurt his organic counterpart, the Emerald's own beloved Guardian, mid-way through the interrogation. 

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