~The Prologue~

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Metal walls. Walls that curved up and round to form a huge empty tunnel. Metal walls of a metal tunnel down which a lamentatious groan of wind could be quietly heard, a weak echo of the blustery world far away.

"Foolish wind. I hate it. It serves an unworthy master."

A network of cables and wires and pipes sprawled over the floor like a topographical view of some river delta but where rivers would have ran to the sea, this splurge of cables all linked up to a humming generator and from that to a series of old brick-like computer screens which may have once upon a time been treasured family appliances many years back. Now they had been recruited from scrap heaps and recycling centres to have their systems pulled out and pulled apart, to be upgraded and revamped to perform a new task for a new user. All while they bleeped and buzzed, processing data meant for newer, sleeker computers, the constant wind droned on and on and on.

"I hate it. I hate the wind. It serves an unworthy master."

Down the curved metal walls ran the wires and across the dusty metal floor and around red metal feet...

"I hate it," Metal Sonic went on thinking in his head, rage and frustration fuelling his willpower as he battled with the files that were being read out on the computers. The screens fizzed a bit with static but Metal Sonic went on perservering, realising that he was just as stubborn to achieve his goals as his organic template was known to be. Such a thought only angered him more and, at long last, the files cracked and a flood of new information presented itself before him.

On the screens, file names began to appear and they were all ready to be opened.

"Y-Y-Y-You/ have done it?" chirped a synethtic child-like voice down at Metal's feet. "You h-h-have/ //done it?" The voice, so innocent and yet so sinister, reverberated with a crackling sound not unlike interferance on a microphone. It belonged to the Tails Doll, sat obediently at Metal Sonic's feet like a trained pup, his felted head lolling back against the robot hedgehog's sturdy leg.

"20 years worth of encrypted codes, firewalls and security systems cannot keep me from a deadlock file," Metal Sonic replied, lifting a clawed fist in triumph as he pulled the wires that he had plugged into himself during the code-cracking process. He felt Tails Doll's head lurch forward as the small 'toy' began to creep up Metal Sonic's body to latch itself to his shoulder, tapping his robotic brother with his antennae as he went.

"You're in! You're in! /At last! W-W-We're// / in! We're in!" he sang softly, pushing his face against Metal Sonic and tapping him affectionately.

More metal appeared as the final member of the robotic brotherhood came stepping from the darkness of the tunnel, his joints grinding painfully with every stride.

"Would have been sooner if we used a G.U.N. computer," Metal Knuckles felt the need to say, lifting his huge claws and welcoming Tails Doll's antennae which provided him with a surge of refreshing energy to recharge his systems. The robotic echidna's voice was raspy, probably due to the fact that many years worth of dust had clogged his audio systems. If he'd been organic, someone may have come to the assumption that he was a heavy smoker.

"We needed this to be secret," Metal Sonic reminded him. "If we used the G.U.N. computers, we would have been discovered."

"It is well enough that Dr Robotnik's database could be downloaded into Tails Doll." Metal Knuckles nodded his head appreciatively at the floppy fox robot who's empty stare gave no impression that he was grateful for the compliment.

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