Cracking Knuckles

261 7 15

Metal Knuckles was sure that Metal Sonic and the Dolls could manage without him; he would wait for the results here in the Present time, plotting what he might do if he were just allowed to fly over there and be given free reign of the place. He had almost touched the island before, when Metal Sonic had Silver in his clutches. He and the Tails Doll had been sent to secure the Master Emerald so it couldn't be used to neutralise the Chaos Emeralds - something that had been vital for their plan to succeed. 

For just a moment, he was there in his usual spot, hovering near the Mystic Ruins, observing Angel Island from a comfortable distance.

The next moment, he was under fire and a laser had scorched the red paint on the back of his head as he was pushed back against a tree. 

Letting out a furious shriek, Metal Knuckles turned on his thrusters to confront his attacker and when he saw that it was Shade, it took all his willpower not to roll his optics. She was an infuriating thorn in his side and seemed to spend her days patrolling the shores, keeping Angel Island in mind as often as he did.

She didn't say anything. There was no witty comment, no vengeful promise nor any kind of threat or words of bravado. All she had was her weapon drawn and an expression on her face that needed no translation. 

Another shot was sent at him but this time, Metal Knuckles ducked out of the way. As he began to prepare a suitable retaliation, he found himself coming under fire from another direction completely which, had he the time, Metal Knuckles might have become confused about. 

The E-Series that presented itself was not Omega. It stood a little thinner and a little shorter but the material looked the same. It's designation read: 'E-102 Gamma'.

With the opponent distracted, Shade fired a third shot. Metal Knuckles barely moved his head in time as he attempted to calculate who was the greater threat but the decision was made for him as Shade leapt towards Gamma who had his free hand ready to catapult the echidna towards their target. Out came Metal Knuckles' claws in time for Shade to descend on him, gripping him by one of his arms and hanging on like a limpet, twisting the claws round to give Gamma a good opening to open fire. 

The ground was coming up to meet Metal Knuckles sooner than he would have liked. He had enough of a reaction time to seize Shade during the fall and throw her down before him so that he ended up with a softer landing while she ended up under a heavy robot pinning her to the grass that she had impacted with quite some velocity. If she hadn't possessed Echidna biology, her bones would have been shattered and several organs would be surely ruptured. 

Lifting his claws, Metal Knuckles contemplated slicing her throat while she lay there as a bruised and very dazed lump of fur but he was soon registering two feet planted on his torso and kicking him to his back. The scorched and slightly rusted side of his head cracked slightly. Gamma was pushing him back further with his attacks, covering for Shade so she could pump enough adrenaline and stubbornness through her system to allow her body to pick itself up and walk off the impact. 

Thoroughly insulted by now, Metal Knuckles lunged towards Gamma, his claws meeting the canon-arm of his fellow robot. Despite his smaller frame, Gamma proved that he had just as much strength in him as Omega and he used it to push back, the rush of battle bringing memories of the past back into focus. Only this time, the badnik he was fighting was beyond saving. 

Metal Knuckles ground his gears and leant into Gamma's arm, the satisfaction of feeling his claws beginning to cut through the cannon's metal spurring him on. 

Shade, however, was on him again. Her bruises could wait for another day.

Whipping out a dagger, she swung upwards to separate the claws from the canon and engaged the robot echidna in a series of blade to blade combat.

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