Chapter 33

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"We do not know that Elle is immune to this variant," Ruben says, rolling his shoulders back.

"I think I should see him," I say, keeping my gaze locked with Callisto.

"Elle, you don't know what could happen to you," Ruben snaps.

Ignoring him, I follow Callisto through the canvas flaps and into the tent. Ruben curses behind me and I push the sound out of my ears.

Ruben's mother, Mae, sits on a rickety wooden stool. Pulling a cloth from a water-filled bucket, she wrings it out and leans forward. She dabs the cloth on someone's forehead. He coughs and she retracts back, adjusting the cloth mask over her face.

"Is that... Elle Fallon?" Thane splutters from beneath the sheets of the makeshift bed.

Callisto clamps a hand over her mouth, spins around and departs the tent. The pine needles swirl in her wake.

"Hello, Thane." I approach with careful steps. "You don't look so great."

He breathes a laugh that turns into more coughs. "At least I still have my head," he says.

"Hey, now," Mae scolds, waggling her finger. "We will let nothing like that happen to you."

"I still have enough time to fine-tune this little flame," he says, peering at me. His eyes glint, and I am reminded of an owl, calm and all-knowing.

"Little flame?" I say, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Yes," he chuckles. "Are you not the flame that sparked the wildfire?"

I do not know how to respond.

"Alright, Elle," Mae cuts in. "Where is my son? Is he with you?"

Grateful for the diversion, I smile at her. "Yes. Ruben is outside."

She beams. Dropping the cloth in the bucket, she washes her hands in another pail with a bar of soap. She hurries out of the tent with a flurry and I smile after her. Gathering my wits, I sit on the stool next to Thane. At last, I have a moment to examine his appearance. His face is flushed crimson, forehead teaming with tiny sweat droplets. The colour has drained from his cracked lips and a yellow tint blurs his eyes.

"I'm not a corpse yet, Elle," he says.

"How long do you have?" I ask.

"If I allow myself to become a monster, I could last months. I am sure you have seen them. They're deranged and falling apart, but still very much alive."

"Perhaps, we could find something to stop you from becoming one of them?"

"How?" he laughs as if he has heard it before. "By budding up with Edward Mallory and his crazy scientists? By capturing innocent people from the cities and forcing them into testing?"

I slam my mouth shut.

Thane shifts in the bed and sits up. "No, Elle. I cannot search for something to stop it because there is nothing to find."

"I'm sorry," I whisper.

"Callisto thinks she can do something for me. I hate to break her heart."

"Callisto loves you desperately. I can't say I wouldn't do the same if you were Ruben." I reach into the bucket and grab the cloth, squeezing out the water.

"I am happy to train you, Elle." He changes the subject as I wipe his forehead. "I can refine your skills, improve your fitness and strength. You can become the very breath of the wildfire."

"I will appreciate that," I smile.

"I only ask one thing in return," he says, and my stomach churns.

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