Chapter 14

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My bare feet skid to a stop outside Ajax's door. His bedroom is on the other side of the palace. Though he is president, he refused to take Lord Sneya's old headquarters. In fact, Sneya's entire tower has been sanctioned off, decidedly too sinful for use after the revolution. Clutching the parchment in one hand, I knock persistently on the door until it opens. Ajax, wearing nothing but a pair of boxers, greets me.

"Elle, I do not believe you quite understood when I told you I was going to bed," he says, seeming not at all embarrassed by his lack of clothing.

"I'm sorry, Ajax. But I have something very important to show you." I hold up the parchment.

His brows furrow together. "What is that?"

"A letter," I tell him. "From Edward Mallory."

Ajax mutters an obscene curse and gestures for me to follow him into his bedroom. There is a small couch in front of a coffee table in the left corner of the room and he pulls a shirt on as he sinks into the cushion. "What does it say?"

"Here, read it." I hand him the parchment and sit beside him. I watch as Ajax unfolds the parchment and reads the scrawl. He seems to read it several times over because it is a while before he looks back up at me.

"Does Ruben know?" he asks.

"No. I didn't want to worry him, so I came to you first."

"You should probably tell him. He deserves to know," Ajax says, pressing his lips together.

"Of course, he does," I agree. "So, what are we going to do about this, Ajax?"

He pulls his lower lip in between his teeth. "I think that we need to make alliances with these alternate cities. If we band together with the other three cities and stand up to the Red Movement as one united force, Edward Mallory doesn't have a chance."

"That will require travelling to each city to speak to their leaders, whoever they are," I say.

"Yes. We will organise a group of our friends who can travel together."

"But if you come, who will lead the Floodgates in your absence?"

"I will have to stay here. The people of the Floodgates will need me. But you are far more valuable an asset than me when it comes to convincing people to join your side. With you there, it would not take much for people to ally with us."

"If no one gets hurt, I am willing to lead this mission for you."

"You know I can't make promises that I can't keep, Elle. But I trust you. You are strong and brave, and smart. You are capable of this."

I smile, averting my gaze briefly. "We could also find the Untamed tribe in the forest beyond the walls," I say. "They have been affected greatly by the Red Movement and I'm sure they would join the fight."

"Good idea. Now it is getting late, we should go to bed and tomorrow I will call a meeting with the others."

I hug my friend and bid him goodnight before departing from his room and navigating back across the palace to my bedroom. Although, I only drop the letter in my bedroom before instead walking down the hall to Ruben's room. I make a light tap on the door with my knuckles. Moments later, he opens the door. He is shirtless. The light of the waning moon highlights his toned body as he peers down at me.


In answer, I rise on my toes and press my lips into his. He hesitates for a moment before relaxing and kissing me back. My hands fly to his chest, feeling the heat and the rapid beat of his heart beneath his ribs. His hands entangle in my hair, pulling me closer with an anew desperation. Gently, I guide him towards the bed as he moans my name against my lips.

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