Chapter 27

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Betrayal cuts deeper than any sword of the enemy.

"Killian?" His name echoes in my head like shouting into a cave. I push him off and scramble to my feet.

As the pain leaves his eyes from the kick to the crotch, fear replaces it. "Elle."

"You tried to kill me," I say, remaining calm despite the circumstances. "Why?"

"I wasn't trying to kill you," he says, failing to meet my eyes.

"You just tackled me to the ground and held a knife to my throat, Killian. Doesn't that sound murderous to you?"

"I'm not a murderer."

"Seriously, Killian," I roll my eyes. "You still have the knife in your hands. Why?"

He hangs his head, shifting his weight, but doesn't say anything. I allow a few beats of silence before I stride forward, glancing at him as I pass. I keep walking, my ears alert in case he decides to drive his knife into my back. But somehow, I know that he won't now that his mask can't hide him. As I walk back to towards the palace, I quietly hope he'll tell me. But he never does. Although, it's okay because I know why. I just wanted to hear him say it. I didn't keep Monet safe.

"Anyone know where Killian is?" Ajax asks the following morning at breakfast.

"He's in bed," Monet says, buttering her toast. "He isn't feeling well."

Ajax bites his lip. "I'm sorry to hear that. I just wanted to let you guys know that Ruben and I are working together to look after those who have the drown."

"Orion was right, wasn't he?" I ask, glancing at Ajax. I take a bite of my toast which feels like a mouthful of sand as the realisation hits me. "We can't save them."

Everyone is silent for a few unbearable beats. "It's okay, you don't have to hesitate to spare my feelings," I say softly.

Ruben sighs. "Unfortunately, we just don't have the technology to cure them. Neither does Mallory. All we can do is make them more comfortable than he did."

I remember the man in the Red Movement halls who spasmed to death. "Kill me," he said.

"We also need to prepare ourselves for Mallory's retaliation. But we are a city absent of an army, and I sense Mallory will not go down without a war," Ajax says.

"He certainly has his own," I say, sipping the coffee that I've grown a taste for. "The Beasts. The people who have the new strain of the virus. They're so far gone that they would likely follow whatever Edward wants."

"Not to mention his alliance with Aurelia," Monet chimes in, half gesturing to her bandaged shoulder.

"I vote that we try again with the other cities," I say.

"But this time, let's not run into it blindly," Ruben says. "Perhaps we could ask where the prisoners came from and if they came from the other two cities, they might be able to give us some insight into the leaders."

"Yeah, I admit our first attempt was not successful."

"You guys are missing one important group of people," Aston speaks up, having been listening and quietly eating his oatmeal. "You have forgotten the Untamed tribe."

"My mother," Ruben exclaims, practically jumping from his seat. "She almost found the cure. Let's bring her back here and see what she can help us with."

A rapid knock on the door sends heads turning. Griffin stands in the doorway, wide-eyed and face leeched of colour. "Ajax! I have an urgent message for you."

Beyond the WallsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang