Chapter 4... Mate

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Please let me know what you think of my book so far and please vote. I'm sorry for any of my mistakes and if this chapter doesn't make any sense. Also sorry it took so long for this update I had writers block. I hope you enjoy this chapter.

Noel POV…

“Holy Crap my head hurts!” I say just waking up.

“Oh thank God you are awake I was so worried.” France says run over to my side.

I look around the room and see that I’m back in my house. “France how did I get home.” I ask

“Well… You know that guy dressed in black that saved you that one time?”


“He came to the police station because he heard all the noise, and I talked him into picking you up. Also he didn’t die or feel pain when he touched you, and he just left your house.”

“What? You know what that could mean, and you let him leave!?” I scream at France getting up at running out the door.

“Wait!” I yell at the man walking away. He turns around at the sound of my voice. I stop about ten feet away. Wow, he’s tall. I try to look at his face but it’s hidden under his hood. “Thank you for bringing me home.” I wait for a response but I don’t get one. “Ummm… Hello!” I say. Nothing absolutely nothing. “Are you going to say something or just look at me?” I ask. This is just pointless.

Fine I will try a different approach. “Excuse me… Excuse me… Excuse me I have been trying to talk to you for the past minute.” I say slightly annoyed. Next I’m going to punch you in the face. After a second he pulls down his hood. My eyes make contact with his tsavorite green eyes.

“Mate” We say at the same time.

He turns around and in a flash he is gone…

One Hour Later…

I turn around and see France entering my kitchen. I turn back to the fridge and keep trying to find something to drown my sorrows in. I grab a slice of cake and take a bite of it. “Why does this cake have to be so good, but taste so horrible? Why does my life have to be this way? My life is over, over I tell you. I just want something to eat that will taste good, but no it will never happen.” I say starting to cry.

“Oh Noel it’s okay please don’t cry.” France says coming over to me and hugging me.

“No it’s not okay. All I’ve ever wanted is to find my soul mate, and now that I’ve found him I thought that that….” I start sobbing harder.

“Noel look at me.” I look up into Frances eyes. “Everything will be okay you just need to talk to him.”

“How can I talk to him? He’s gone.”

“I found him in the forest. We can go together and you can speak with him.”

“But what if he’s gone?”

“Look if he’s gone then he’s gone, but you will still be able to talk to him because you too won’t be able to stand being away from each other. Now let’s go.”

“Wait if he’s not there I want to go somewhere for a couple of days.”

“If he’s not there then I will take you wherever you want to go okay.”

“Okay let’s go.”

I wait until France transforms into his wolf and follow after him. I hope he’s there. We run for a while thru the woods. We come to a place in the woods that was totally massacred. What the fuck happened here? I look around the destroyed part of the forest. My eyes come to rest on him slumped down sitting next to one of the destroyed trees.

I heard France say in my head danger, but I knew it was probably too late. A crash came from my right, and there dangling dead in my mates hang was a man from Paix that I’ve seen many times before, but this is the first time that he’s ever tried to attack me. He drops the dead body and looks at me. “Are you okay?” He asks. It took me a second to find my voice. “Yes” I say shakily.

 I look up at his tall form my eyes make contact with green ones and I see worry and confusion. Okay don’t be awkward even thou you are the most awkward person in the world. “I’m Noel.” I blurt out. “Good job at not being awkward Noel.” “Fuck you France.” “I’m Andrew but I go by Drew.” He says after a second. I’m pretty sure this situation couldn’t get more awkward.

“I understand if you don’t want to be with me. It’s okay I’ll be fine.” I say trying not sound upset by my own words. I turn around and run into the trees. I hear someone running after me but at this point I don’t care who it is. Fuck their getting closer. Okay I just need to get to my truck then I can teleport and pass out somewhere safe.

I can see my house in view. I start to sprint harder. I get to my truck but a hand holds the door closed. “You say if I don’t want to be with you then I don’t have to, but you didn’t let me give you my answer.” I hear a deep voice say in my ear. “Maybe I am afraid of the answer.” I say turning around and look him in the eyes. “I’m not capable of feeling love or emotions, but I am capable of protecting you. That is my answer.” Drew says looking me straight in the eyes.

“Why aren’t you capable of having feelings?”

“I don’t have a soul.”

That’s great I get to be stuck with someone extremely attractive but isn’t capable of love or feelings. Why it is that I’ve always wanted a mate that will love me, but no my mate can’t love me. “How can you not have a soul?” I ask

“It’s a very long story.”

“My life is nothing but time.”

“I can’t tell you right now.”

“Sense you won’t tell me I won’t trust you goodbye.” I say walking to my house.

“Wait I will tell you but later in the future.” I hear him shout behind me.

“Just to let you know I’m going to change your soul. I will make it so you can love and have emotions.”

“I doubt that.”

“Everyone doubts me, but in the end they realize I was right.” I say right before I walk into my house and shut the door.

I walk into my living room and look around. Great I get to figure out how to use my powers. My vision starts to blur. I try not to black out but it’s to last. My eyes start to close and my body goes limb. I feel someone catching me and I black out.

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