Chapter 7... Hospital

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Hey everyone sorry I haven't updated in awhile. I really hope you like this chapter, and that its not to boring. Also please comment and vote for my chapters. Also this book is entered in the wattys2015.  Thank you for sticking with this story, and please check out my new story Lycans Dreams. Please Enjoy! 

WARNING: Cussing

Noel's POV

"Noel! Noel where are you? Noel please answer me!" I hear waking up from my shadowy slumber.

"I'm hear." I say barely a whisper. I hear destruction happening all around me. I scream out in blistering pain at trying to move to see who's out there.

"Noel" I hear someone yell out. I try to stay awake but I slowly start to fall into oblivion. "Noel ... Noel... Noel please stay with me..." I slowly open eyes to only be met by a blurry person over me.

"Noel it's going to be okay I will get you out of here." I hear Drew reassure me as I fade in and out of consciousness.

"Drew don't do this. Drew remember which side you chose a long time ago." A hypnotic female voice says from somewhere in the distance.

"Shit! As you said I chose something a long time ago, but I don't want this anymore. I've final found a way out of this mess, and I now know why you wanted to kill her so bad. She bares the mark of fate." I hear Drew say to whoever was out there, but I can barely make out what he's talking about.

"Goodbye Amakite, the next time I see you will be when you give Noel her rightful position." Drew responds back to her, and takes off through the forest with me in his arms.


Drew's POV

Three days later

"How is she?" I ask the nurse.

"She still hasn't awaken yet. She lost a lot of blood I'm surprised she didn't die."

I ignore what the nurse just said and walk into the room. France was sitting next to the bed still in his tattered clothes that I found him in. I look down at Noel to still see that she is as pale as all the other days, and is still hooked up to a IV running more blood into her. The doctors ended up taking my blood because none of the other blood that they had would pumped into her wouldn't go into her system.

"Hey, she is still the same as yesterday." France tells me. I nod back in response and sit down in one of the uncomfortable chairs.

"Thanks for getting me out of the dungeon by the way. I guess you still won't talk to me."

"Can you please shut up." I growl out.

"Fine, I'm going to get something to eat."

Noel POV

I wake up looking up at a white ceiling. I take a deep breath of air and it smells stale like a hospital. I turn my head to the side to see Drew reading a book. Like he sensed I was awake he looks at me with a blank face.

"Hello" I choke out with my hoarse voice.

"Hi, how do you feel?"

"My shoulder hurts and I'm tired. How long have I been out?"

"Three and a half days. I will go and get the doctor so he can look at your shoulder."

I nod my head in response. "Hey Noel I'm so glad your awake!" I look over to see France coming in to the room.

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