Chapter 8... Leaving?

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Told you guys i would be updating soon. Please let me know what you think of this chapter.

Warning: Cussing and Mild Violence

Drew's POV

I knew we weren't able to stay here much longer. There were people out to get us, people that fate sent to hunt us down and kill us, but I have to do something. I have to get Noel out of here and hidden. When she asked me where my soul was I wouldn't tell her because I'm not sure exactly where; I just know it's somewhere close to me. She tried everything to get it out of me, but I knew nothing good would come out of it. I have to do this on my own.

I pull into Noel's driveway and park the vehicle. "Noel go get a bag of things that you need. It isn't safe for us to be here anymore." I say to Noel hoping she won't put up a fight.

"Why, where are we going?" She asks me.

"We are going somewhere faraway from here."

"I won't go unless you tell me where we're going!" she says crossing her arms over her chest.

"We're getting on an airplane. Are you happy now?"

"No you still didn't tell me the exact location on which we're heading."

"Fine if you won't go pack your stuff nicely without fuss I will do it for you."

"I too would like to know where we are going, and if I have to come with you guys?" France says interrupting Noel and I's argument.

"Yes; you are coming. I will be stopping by your apartment in town so you can get your things."

"Will we being going someplace cool?" France asks again.

"No the weather will be sort of warm there I think."

"That wasn't what he was asking idiot. He was asking if wherever we are going is going to be fun." Noel says.

"I don't know! Please just go get your stuff!" I yell at her getting more frustrated by the minute.

"Why in the fuck did I have to get stuck with you." I hear Noel say under her breath as she got out of the vehicle. I ask something of the same sorts every day since I've met you. Why would someone be so cruel to put you with a soulless monster like me? "AHHHHHH!" I hear Noel scream inside her house. I practically tore through the vehicle, and into the house. I look around and I don't see her. I make a quick dash up the stairs to see Noel close to tears.

"Noel what's the matter? Are you okay?" I ask trying in all my power to make myself feel any kind of emotion, or even care that she's upset.

"I can't find my kitten! I don't know where she is, and I'm so scared that she got outside. If she got outside I will never find her again!" Noel say starting to ball.

"Noel look at me I will find your kitten. What does she look like?"

"She's a dirty white color, and she has grey on her tail and a line down her back. Also her face has a white mustache, and grey on one half of her face." She says between sobs.

"Please don't cry. You will get her back I'm positive of that." I say trying to calm her down. I go closer to her so maybe someone's presence would make her feel better. And as soon as I go over to her she throws her arms around me. As soon as she does that I tense up. This is the first time I've been hugged in 326 years.

"You do realize when someone hugs you your supposed to hug them back." Noel says not crying anymore.

"Well I haven't been hugged in forever so no I guess you can say that I don't really remember what to do when being hugged. Now if you could let me go so I can find your kitten I would be much obliged." As soon as I say that Noel's face falls.

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