Chapter 3... Death

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Thank you guys so much for reading this far!! Please tell me what you think! WARNING: Cussing/ Violence/Gore

“Yes I am leaving.” I said freaking out because I know this isn’t going to end well. “Fine then you can leave with me.” The man says to me. Fuck everyone in here is from Paix. “We will not be leaving with you, and you can shove that up your ass.” I spit at him. “Noel what are you doing he’s an officer.” France whispers to me. “No he is from Paix along with everyone else in here.” I spoke out loud. “Well beautiful you truly do know everything.” The man says harshly.

“Go to hell mother fucker.”

“I’ve already been there sweet heart and it’s amazing.”

“You must have been to the wrong part of hell.”

“Okay stop the chitchat and let’s get to business.” The man standing in the corner says.

“I’m not going to do business with you. Now let me leave and I won’t kill all of you.”

“We have never seen you use your powers so we highly doubt that you have any. Now this is what we propose. 1. We kill you right here and now, or 2. Oh wait two is the same as one.”

“I prefer three. That were I kill all your mother fucking cock sucking asses!” I screamed at them.

“I can’t believe you have enough balls to talk to me like that you fucking bitch.”

“Please stop you two.” An old woman says walking into the room.

“Who this your fucking camel toe mother fucking ass licking slut of a grandmother!” I yell at him.

“That’s it kill her now!!” The old woman screams

“So the woman behind the scenes final steps out, but she’s as useless as a lollipop made out of shit.” I say mockingly

“Noel please stop this right now.” France says to me to get me to calm down before I do something I might regret.

“No I won’t fucking stop this. You can go sit your F.A.T ass over there, and I don’t give a flying fuck if you’re fucking skinny. Your mother fucking initials still spell F.A.T so go to hell. You’re a mother fucking piece of shit that went to fucking jail and got us in this trouble. Now I’m going to kill these assholes and then I’m going to deal with you.” France’s mouth drops open after I finish yelling at him.

I feel my heart beating louder and louder. I’m at the verge of tearing everyone’s head off. “Now you’re going to be wishing you never did this. “You are all going to die of an excruciatingly painful death.” I look up into a mirror and see myself start to change.

My skin starts to turn pale and my veins pop out and transform from dark blue to a murky shade of grey. My eyes turn crimson red with bright white pupils and grey veins running from the corner of my eye to my pupil. I look down at my hand to see that my finger nails are long and sharp. “You’re all going to die.” I spoke with a hint of joy in my words.

“Get Madame Uma out of here. The girl’s main icimugic is pain.” The first man to speak to me yelled out. I focus on him. Pain. The man screamed out in agonizing suffering. Pain to all except France. Everyone fell to the ground yelling out for me to stop, but I was long past my point of stopping.

The people around me start coughing up blood, and blood is pouring out of their eye sockets that don’t eye balls in them because they melted away. I flare my eyes at the woman with fiery red hair. Suddenly she attacks the man next to her that called me a bitch. She pushes her small hand into the man’s throat, and makes her way down to his chest with her hand still in his throat. She grabs his heart and pulls it out along with his spine and esophagus. It looks like a volcano erupted because of all the blood squirting out of what was once his throat.

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