Chapter Eighteen - The Good, The Bad, and The Nemesis

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Hendrix takes me and Ellie home in the morning. During the car ride, which harbours a rather tangible tension, neither him nor I mention what happened last night. If I wasn't already embarrassed, I certainly was when his auntie Tanya said she thought it was absolutely adorable that we'd finally admitted our likeness to one another.

I couldn't get my shoes on quick enough.

No, I haven't mentioned it because I think it might one the upmost embarrassing this I've ever done in my entire life. And believe me, there have been some whoppers. That said, cuddling with your arch-nemesis just seems to take the biscuit, and it absolutely must not happen again. Ellie is just going to have to suck it up and cope with my terrible parental abilities because there is no way I plan to ever visit Hendrix's house again when it seems that the outcome is me falling asleep on his bed. Cuddling too, it apparently seems.

I mumble a goodbye and rush inside, ignoring the odd looks from my parents and brothers. I'm officially a dirty stop out and I don't have space for their judgement, not when there is heaps of self-loathing taking up all the room.

Ellie goes straight into her Moses basket and I ring all my friends, decided that I need to restore my old self. The one where I spend my weekends with my little circle of besties and certainly do not have a half-naked sleepover with Elijah Hendrix. The nakedness being him, of course; there wasn't a hope in hells chance I was stripping down to the bare minimum, although the bare back tickles were awfully nice.


Both girls, Nat and Alena, and the boys too, Collins and Seb, arrange to be at my house within the hour. With Ezra and Oli having no plans, I imagine it'll be the seven of us pigging out in the living room with a takeaway and a movie marathon. Heck, who am I kidding? My mum and dad never miss a movie marathon.

"So," Ezra begins as I sit myself on the sofa, throwing my legs lazily over his. "What happened last night?" He muses, shooting me a knowing look. I cringe, pulling the drawstrings on my hoodie so that the hood tightens around my head. Like a turtle going inside it's shell to escape real life. Except, I can't escape. Ezra won't let me. "I imagine you spent the night at Elijah's."

"You said you weren't seeing each other." Oli states, throwing himself between Ezra and I, worming his legs under mine. "Don't tell me you're sleezy Charlie!" He accuses.

I scoff and shake my head, peering out of the small hole left in my hood. "It was completely innocent. I fell asleep in the spare room and he thought it rude to wake me." I lie smoothly, though my back seems to go cold, reminding me of the path his fingertips had gently trailed. Stop thinking about it! "Besides, I'm a big girl Oli, I can make my own decisions."

"Yeah, and we all said the same about me and I ended up getting married to a Russian in Vegas." He grumbles.

"How is Anfisa?" I ask him, hoping to steer the conversation. He gleams and nods.

"Brilliant! She should be getting her green card soon." I nod and sigh melodramatically.

"I miss her." I mumble.

Oli matches my emotion and pats my shoulder. "Me too Diabla. Those four days we had, despite the inability to communicate and the continuous alcohol involvement, were wildly passionate. I don't think I'll ever forget the night when she put –"

"Woah!" I interject, slamming my hands to my ears over the hood of my jumper. "I don't need to know the ins and outs." I tell him.

"Oh, it went in and out. Many times." Oli grins slyly. While I gag in pure disgust, Ezra shoves a cupcake in Oliver's mouth, effectively stopping him from talking.

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