Chapter Twenty - Full Body Cleanse

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It's important to understand that no matter how much I love my girlfriends, they'll just never meet the quality of friendship Seb and I have.

So, naturally, when I need a detox, he's the one I call.

And I need one; I haven't been able to get Hendrix off of my mind at all.

He's back at school, as untouchable as ever. An impossible nuisance, a suave Casanova, but while of course, I still hate all of him, I can't help but focus on that some of him I saw on Thursday. That broken boy with real emotions that run deeper than simply arrogance and confidence.

How he is now, it's not a façade, it's as real as it ever was, but there's a sliver of vulnerability just beneath the surface. That crack in his exterior that only I know of. It's all I can see. Obviously, I've told Seb none of this; he just think's that it's simply a detox which involves smoothies, a fruit feast, facemasks and lounge clothes.

Seb might deny it, but I know he loves these type of days. The big cocky playboy enjoys nothing more than sitting opposite me, cross legged on my bed, with a plethora of cut up fruits in bowls between us. Clay masks on our faces, joggers (and me a sports bra) with my Alexa playing those soothing raindrop sounds that sometimes make me need to pee.

We're practicing breathing exercises. Wiki-how tells me that it'll help me get my anger under control and with my hand still wrapped and restrained, I think that's something I can get behind. Besides, if my encounter with Hendrix has taught me anything, it's that I need to ask questions first before I allow my reactions to consume me. Philosophical, I know.

"And in," I mutter, the pair of us drawing breath as we sit with our eyes closed, hands rested on our knees, palms up, with our thumb and forefinger touching; the classic zen pose. "And out," I say, quickly followed by an audible exhale. "You know, this is quite relaxing. I think I could get behind this." I tell Seb.

"You say that," he says, popping a piece of kiwi in his mouth. "But I doubt when you see red, you'll think to count to ten." I look at him with an innocent smile.

"Well, my guardian angel will just have to be there to remind me, won't he?"

He tuts and throws a blackberry into my open mouth. "You know, I do have a life Chapstick. I can't just follow you around like a lost puppy every hour of the day."

"Really? You practically do that already." I muse with a wide grin.

He shakes his head and shoots me an accusatory look. "Your insults are ruining my zen." I straighten myself up, closing my eyes again.

"My apologies." I say simply before I fall back into my pose. "So, tell me, what's new in the life of Sebastian Walker?"

There is a moment of silence, disrupted only by the raindrops from my speakers. "I wish I had news, but I'm the same old, Charlie. Enjoying life as a single man, still wooing women in my seventeenth year." I scoff and peel open an eye to be met with his boyish grin. "What about you? What's all this in aid of?"

"I'm simply trying to better myself," I tell him. "After punching two men in the face in the span of a week, I realised that it might serve me well to control my anger." I explain. He laughs a short, forced laugh.

"No, seriously. What gives?" He says blankly. I shoot him a mocking gasp, taking a hand to my chest in insult.

"I am serious! Why, you don't think I'm capable of bettering myself?" I ask him.

"No, I think you're more than capable. But I've known you twelve years, I've seen you punch a significant amount of people, and not once have you considered managing your anger. So why now?" He inquires. I sigh and fall out of my pose, slouching slightly as I nibble on a strawberry.

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