Chapter 3

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Josh's POV
Olivia met Tyler's coach and a few friends yesterday and it was quite the meeting. From what I was told Olivia had to get back to school pretty quickly but as soon as they left her, Tyler got a whole rant asking him why he didn't tell them that the most famous athlete in the world was his fucking sister to quote him.

Dylan and I were no longer looking forward to our coaches and teammates meeting her because we both know that we're gonna get the same rant. Especially me because the amount of times my coach has told my team that our work ethic is easily beaten by a sixteen year old is probably past the hundreds.

It's now Saturday and we had to change the schedule because there was no chance of us getting Ollie out of the building so she stayed inside and did her workouts from the gym we have in the penthouse. We decided to invite all the people that we were gonna help us with Ollie to the private gym that my dad owned so they could meet her but obviously we didn't tell them they were gonna be meeting her.

Tyler and Olivia snuck out earlier to the gym because she was dying to exercise outside of the apartment and Dylan and I distracted the paps so they could leave without anyone seeing them. It's been crazy lately with everyone trying to catch just one clear picture of Ollie's face. There have been paps everywhere we go but since Ollie hasn't technically left the building since Monday they haven't had another chance to get a good picture.

"You ready" Dylan says slapping my back
"I'm gonna get a mouthful from my coach" I say

We get into Dylan's car and attempt to get out of the parking garage without being noticed but that quickly fails when one pap sees us and quickly alerts the others.

"Here we go" says Dylan

The car is surrounded and there is no chance of us getting out. They are banging on the windows and we can hear them screaming all sorts of questions

As was beginning to answer the questions in my head as they asked them
Where is your little sister not in the car idiots
Is it true that she was kidnapped no
Does she play a sport yes and you without a doubt know her
Can we meet her Nope

"Ughhh just let me drive" screamed Dylan
"Let me roll the window down and punch one of them" I say
"No" as he puts on the child safety lock

After about five minutes they finally back up just enough for us to get out and after ten minutes we are at the gym.
When we arrive we see everyone who's supposed to be here waiting outside talking to each other.

Walking up to them "hey guys" I say
"Cut the shit josh why am I at the gym on my day off" Knox says
"Aww I missed you too" I say
"Alright let's get inside before any paps that followed us here show up and then we will explain what's going on" says Dylan
(A/N I'm gonna put the emoji next to which coach is talking ex: coach🏒 is joshes coach)
"You better explain or else all have you guys doing mile repeats" Coach says🏀

Walking into the gym it looks deserted but that's because I could bet good money Tyler and Ollie are in the gymnastic part of the gym that nobody knows about. Obviously Tyler's teammates and coach already met Ollie and know who she is but they still have no idea why they are here.

"Ok so you brought us all here at 7 in the morning to see an empty gym" says aiden
"No we brought you here to meet someone" Dylan says
"Wait is she here" says patt
"What are you guys talking about" Coach 🏒 says
"You guys haven't met her yet?" Says Stein
"Met who" James asks
"Oh just wait" coach 🏈 says

We continue walking to the back of the gym to a door that is always locked because it's goes to the gymnasium and obviously Ollie is the only one who uses it. I start banging on the door knowing Tyler is gonna come open it.

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