Chapter 4

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Olivias POV

I'm so nervous waking up. It's my first training session with one of my brothers and this time it's with josh. That means I'm going to have 30 hockey boys surrounding me for 3 hours. One of them is also 16 he's in the league as a temporary player while another players on paid leave. I've been given strict instructions by my brothers and my brothers team mates to stay away from him. In their words "just because you're the same age doesn't mean you can talk to him" which makes no sense but I've given up on trying to use logic on my brothers.

I hear my door open and josh quickly telling me it's time to go.

(In the car)

"Do you think I'm going to embarrass myself" I asked josh

"Nah, you'll be fine, probably better than some of the guys on the team anyway." He says

"But what if I mess up" I said

"Than I'll laugh with you. Listen if you feel like you just need to walk out of there or it gets to hard or overwhelming just tell me or coach and you can go anywhere in the stadium you want." He said

Pulling up to the stadium

Josh's POV
"You good Ollie" I said

"Yep" I can tell by her voice that she's nervous

"Alright come with me" I said as we got out the car

We got to practice 40 minutes earlier than everyone else just to make sure no one saw us coming inside together and so we could talk to coach privately quickly.

"Alright there's changing rooms down the hall to the left, you already know where they are. I'm going to go to coach and you come in whenever you're ready" I said

"Okay" she said

I walked to my coaches office

"Hey coach, how ya doing" I said

"I'm good. Is Olivia with you?" He said

"Yeah she's just getting changed and then is going to meet up with us." I replied

"Ok so I'll give you a little run down about how I was planning for today to go. It's going to mostly being a conditioning so weights and maybe some timed runs. Will that be ok for her" he said

"Yeah she'll be fine probably going to be better than some of the guys on the team" I said

Just then Olivia walked in and started talking to coach and I quickly excused myself to go to the locker room where some of my teammates were starting to get ready and arriving.

Now there one player who's a temporary on the team named Zach he's 16 (the same age as Ollie and I'm not happy about that) he's a really good player and super fast and a nice kid but I don't want anyone around Ollie that she could possibly want to go on a date with.

"Hey man, do you know what we're doing today" asked jj (he's our backup goalie)

"Uh yeah we have a special guest practicing with us and we're going to be doing conditioning" I replied

"Ooh do you know who the guest is" he asked

"No yet" I said

"ALL RIGHT BOYS" coach came screaming in

"We are going to have a special guest here who will be practicing with us every once in a while. I expect you all to fully respect her and just know I already like her more than any of you guys" he said

"Alright please welcome Olivia" he said

As she walked into the room everyone's mouths dropped. I mean it's not everyday a professional gymnast that 16 walks into the arena.

I quickly take a peak over to look at Zach and he looks like his eyes are about to pop out of their sockets. I'm just going to pass that one off as he's shocked at who she is a not think any farther because if I do I don't think I'll be able to keep my mind focused on practice.

After 2 hours of conditioning and weights

Holy shit im about to pass out. I've never run to much in my life. Im a hockey player, so I'm not supposed to run like whoever thought that doing sprints on land was a good idea deserves to go to jail and to make all of this better Ollie doesn't even looks like she's tired.

Since everyone's exhausted people quickly packed up their bags and left the arena before Coach could makes us run anymore. Out of the corner of my eye I see Ollie walking over to me.

"That was hard" she says collapsing next to me

Huh maybe she is tired just better at hiding it than me

"I feel fine" I said

She looks at me like I'm crazy

"Really because if I remember correctly and I quote "does someone want to remind coach that hockey is played on ice and not dry land" she says

"Oh shut up let's go home" I said

The drive home was quite because Ollie was sat on her phone and looking at every social media app that could possibly exist.
About 5 minutes later I take peak at her to see she's fallen asleep. I grab my phone to call Tyler so he can come carry her up to the apartment so I can grab my stuff.

"Hey ty Ollie fell asleep on the car ride back and I don't have enough hands to carry her up and all my stuff can you come get her" I ask

"Yeah, but all you have to say is that your weak and can't carry a lot you don't have to make up excuses" he says

"Shut up we're pulling in now come grab her" I say and hang up

I pull into the parking spot and quickly hop out the car to see ty walking towards us

"So how'd it go" he asks.

"Good but I'm so tired and I'm impressed Ollie didn't fall asleep the second we got into the car" I say

"Alright let me grab her and I'll meet you upstairs"

Ollie slept for four hours and after a not so peaceful dinner where all of us argued over who's sport is the hardest (mine) we watched a movie and all went to bed.

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