Christmas Special

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Tyler's POV

"We have to make it the best Christmas Olivias ever had because although she pretends she doesn't miss mom and dad it'll be hard for her to spend her first Christmas without them" I say

"Well we can just make it a day of her favorite things" says Dylan

"Yeah, we can all go to the gym, then open presents, eat her favorite dinner" says josh

"Alright we have a plan, someone needs to figure out what she wants for Christmas as well" I say

"Alright, I can do that" says Dylan

We the spent the next few weeks planning Christmas out so that I would be perfect for her. Slowly asking questions that would help us get the answers that we want and then putting everything together. She loves to work out so we decided that morning we'll head to the gym and all get a workout and then head home open presents and then eat turkey and vegetables for dinner. We had to do a lot of planning for the dinner because none of us have any ability to cook in the kitchen, but after a lot of YouTube videos and a few text runs we finally perfected our turkey.

The morning of Christmas Olivia was quick to wake us all up excited that there was a bunch of presents under the tree. She didn't have the most normal childhood and it shows in certain situations like holidays. She was so excited to open presents that we decided to switch up the original plan and open presents then head to the gym.

Olivias POV:
I woke up at 7:30 and headed to the living room to get my breakfast before going to get ready for the gym. It was silent walking through the halls of the apartment which is weird especially when living with 3 professional athletes because someone is always practicing or getting ready for practice. When I turned the corner to the living room I stopped dead in my tracks, there was tons of gifts laying around, I forgot that it was Christmas because the last three years I've spent training, but after coming out of my shock I sprinted to Dylans room to wake him up.

"Dylan Dylan get up get up" I yell while jumping on his bed

"What Ollie" he says

"There's presents, come on get up" I say still jumping

After I see I've woken him up enough so he won't go back to bed I go towards Josh's room to get him up.

"Josh guess what there's presents In the living room" I say

"Shhhhh" he mumbles

I'm about to start jumping on him when he reached up and pulls me down so I'm laying next to him. He moves his arm around me and I can't move anymore.

"Please josh get up" I say

"Give me five minutes" he replied

Still not being able to move I accept defeat and lay next to him for five minutes, but as soon as I count five minutes in my head I use all my strength to get him off and wide awake.

"Come on I still need to wake up Tyler" I say

With that I leave his room and walk into Tyler's

"Tyler there's presents" I say

"Oh really" he says

"Yes and everyone is up but you so you need to get up" I say

"Alright" he says

I run back into the living room and patiently wait for my slow brothers to get their butts in here.

"Ok Olivia what do you want to open first" Tyler says walking into the room

I spent that Christmas morning surrounded by my favorite people and I  finally understood the importance of Christmas. We spent the rest of the morning goofing around and seeing what everyone got. I got a new leotards and a lot of gift card. Tyler got a really cool watch and a cook book from Dylan. Josh got a new hone case after he broke his and workout clothes. Dylan got a set of weights and a book on how to use deodorant from Tyler.

That evening we spent around the dining room table eating Chinese takeout because our kitchen almost caught fire when the boys tried to cook. They even set off the sprinklers because they were busy arguing about how high to turn the oven.

We all fell asleep watching elf and laughing on the couch. This was the best Christmas i could have imagined and I wouldn't change a thing because I got to spend it for the first time in years with the three people who always put a smile on my face.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays xx

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2021 ⏰

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