~ Prologue ~

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     "Hello, this is Y/N De Alder speaking."

     "Greetings Mr. Alder, I am here to inform you that you will be moving to a different headquarter."

     "What do you mean?"

     "You see, the CEO of Pentagon has ordered you to be transferred to a different headquarter located in Paris. The reason for this is because the Mayor of Paris requested that you perform for his daughter Chloe Bourgeois and that you enroll in the high school called College Francoise Dupont for a couple of months. He said that his daughter is a very big fan of yours and that she would be absolutely delighted if you were to come and perform for them."

     "And how much are they willing to pay?"

     "They said that they will pay $1.5 million for your performance and as for your stay in Paris, they will pay for everything. They also offered to pay you $50 per day for free."

     "And how long do they want me to stay?"

     "They want you to stay for 1 year."

     "... That isn't even a couple of months anymore... Welp, I ain't doing it. Screw them, I can earn twice as much money here. If I go then I'll just be losing money."

     "That's why I am going to book you some concerts in Paris. That way you won't be losing any money and instead, you will be gaining a lot. In addition to that, you will get to spend some quality time with your teammates."

     "Hm? They are going too?"

     "Well, of course, they requested for the whole 3clipse group. And before you ask, no, you do not need to split the money. There will be $1.5 million each."

     "Whew, that's a relief. Okay then, I will go."

     "Excellent, I will go notify the others about your opinion on the matter. Oh, and before I forget, you guys will take the flight to Paris 2 weeks from now so you better start packing. Goodbye now."


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