Telling Luke, Goodbyes & Buses

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Jo's POV

We sat at the table in the kitchen. Luke had set up a party for us that was currently starting downstairs.

We pulled him away first so we could talk. We had yet to tell him we were leaving.

"What's going on with you two? Why did you bring me up here?" Luke asks.

Jess and I share a look before looking back at Luke.

"Um, so, you know how we don't really have plans for the summer?"

He nods.

"Well, we do have plans," Jess tells him.

"What do you mean?"

"Jess and I were thinking. We didn't really get to talk when Jimmy dropped in..."


"And we might have found his address," Jess replies.

"And we're going to California to see him," I add.

He just stared at us for a minute.


"What?" We both ask.

"You can't go," he tells us.

"Luke, I know you don't like him, but you can't stop us from seeing him," Jess says.

"I don't see why not. He's never reached out before. I don't see why you need to see him, he'll just mess everything up like he always does."

"Listen, Luke. We've never met him, not really. All we've heard about him has been from you and Liz. All we want to do is go out and see if he's the loser you guys make him out to be," I say.

He sighs and switches his eyes between us. I tilt my head a bit, and Jess leans forward.

"Don't you trust us?" Jess asks.

He sighs again.


"Really?" I ask.

"A week, and then I want you both home," he says.

"Deal," Jess replies.

We go downstairs and enjoy our party.


Jess' POV

Our party was coming to an end, and the only people left in the diner were us, Luke and the Gilmore girls.

We helped Luke clean up a bit before Lorelai asked us to talk. The three of us stepped outside.

"I just wanted to tell you congratulations again," she says.

"Thank you," we both replied.

"During the party Luke me mentioned something about you guys going to see your dad."

"Yeah, in California," I tell her.

"Well, that must be hard. I wish you guys luck."

"Thank you," Jo says, and Lorelai hugs her.

"You guys are two amazing kids. You're going to do great things. I just know it."

"Thank you," we reply.

"I got you guys something," she says before turning.

She goes to her Jeep and opens the back door. On the floorboard are two gift bags.

She hands one to each of us. She got us each a leather bound journal and a pen with our names engraved on them. She also got us each a nice bookmark with a quote on it.

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