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Gilmore never really goes in depth about Jess' past. 

They also never really delve into difficult topics, but that's the direction I want to go for Jess and Jo's past.

If you pay attention they kind of imply that Liz had some trouble with drinking, and/or drugs.

It also makes total sense that Jess was abused. Maybe not be Liz herself, but most likely by at least one of her many guys.

At times when we get to see small glimpses of the real Jess you can see he's not a mean, awful person.

He was a kid that was hurt so much and people saw so little in him and only had certain expectations of him, and none of them were good.

I wanted to make this as kind of a warning before moving ahead. 

I'm going to write about crappy topics: drug use, alcohol abuse, child abuse, neglect... stuff like that, but I believe that this makes total sense due to the information we already have. 

As always any and all grammar, punctuation, and spelling corrections are 100% helpful, encouraged, and GREATLY appreciated. 

With that I send you all lots of love. 

Thank you for reading 

--Izzy :) 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2022 ⏰

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