Chapter Thirty-One: The Crack in a Knight's Dulled Armour

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Hi everyone - it's only a short update again I'm afraid, I was tempted to just combine this chapter with the next - but that would have messed up my chapter plan and it would have just taken me longer to update. :P I honestly don't think I have anymore long updates left - though I guess we'll just have to wait and see how they turn out :)

Next update is already partially written though so it shouldn't be too long of a wait until my next update <3

Thanks to every one who's taken the time to read, vote and comment - it meas a lot to me!


::My Happily Never After::

Chapter Thirty-One: The Crack in a Knight’s Dulled Armour

“You knew?

My heart thrummed loudly as I waited or any of them to respond.

“Taylor…” My name fell from Isaac’s lips like a broken promise. The sharp pain of betrayal sliced through my stomach.

They’d known. All of them.

My eyes slid over them one by one. Rachel. Jake. Isaac.

They were all wearing the same guilty expression, and that was answer enough to my question.

A wry smile drew up the corners of my lips as it all slowly sunk in.

Wow. I felt like a complete idiot.

They’d known.

How often had Mackenzie pointed out to me how obvious I was being?

The message mustn’t have fully gone through though because for some reason I was still surprised. It hadn’t even occurred to me to think they might’ve known.

They’d never said anything.

I was suddenly battling the urge to be sick. It felt as if I’d just found out my diary had been published to the world. I small hysteric laugh bubbled through my lips at the thought. I didn’t even own a diary.

“Taylor.” My name was called again as Isaac tried to get my attention. I lifted my head from where I had been staring at the car park’s gravelled floor.

When I saw all three of them were watching for my reaction a strange sense of calm washed over me.

Really what was I expecting?

How was anyone meant to approach a subject like that?

In public apparently.

Bitterness gripped my words. “Anyone care to tell me how long exactly?” I asked.

They all flinched back slightly at either my question or my tone. Either way I got my answer when they didn’t say anything.


All along.

I could feel the starts of a headache tugging at the edges of my mind.

I needed to leave.

I couldn’t do this right now.

“I- I’ve got to go.” I said out loud this time.

“Wait, don’t.” Isaac said as he reached out to tug on my sleeve, holding me back from making my escape. “Please Tay.” From behind him I saw Rachel’s expression shift from guilt to hurt once again, and then back to settle on guilt.

My Happily Never AfterWhere stories live. Discover now