Chapter Eight: A Fraction of a Fairy Tale

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Dedicated to ollivander for the stunning cover attatched to this chapter <3

So I was lying in bed listening to 'there's a fine fine line' (because I'm lame like that) and it just inspired me to write this chapter - so yeah you guys have Avenue Q to thank for this one being finished :P <3

If people could please highlight the mistakes you see so I can fix them I'd be ever grateful! x

Vote, comments, and followings are always apreiciated ;) But as always, above all PLEASE ENJOY!

::My Happily Never After::

Chapter Eight: A Fraction of a Fairy Tale


“What. The. Hell?” Rachel said staring in disbelief in front of her, stopping short in her steps, making Isaac who had his arm wrapped around her shoulder jerk ever so slightly.

I stared with her.

It came as just of much of a surprise to me as it did to her to see Jake just outside of our school.

He was leant casually against his car with hands stuffed in his pockets, and an air of ease and boredom about him that made him stand out against everyone else as his eyes scanned over the crowds of students leaving, searching for one person in specific.

I turned my head to Rachel. “What’s he doing here?” I forgot about her surprise as I asked, wondering if there was some family thing going on that she hadn’t told me about, that would alter the plans she Isaac and I had made to go to the movies together.

It wasn’t Rachel who answered me though. “Who cares why?” Violet asked, as she started to discretely fluff out her hair. “Rachel, have I ever told you how drool worthy your brother is?”

Rachel narrowed her eyes at her.

“Wait a minute, that’s your brother?” Connie interrupted before Rachel could give her ‘back off from my brother’ speech. She turned her head in accusation, sounding betrayed. “You told me he was a total dweeb!”

Violet scoffed loudly at that, choosing to answer in Rachel’s place. “Well he definitely used to be a dweeb.” She smirked. “But university’s been really good to him.”

Rachel scowled, at the pair of them. “He still is a dweeb!” She said looking very annoyed.

Violet rolled her eyes. “Denial…” She muttered under her breath, earning a smack in her shoulder from an annoyed Rachel, and a small grin of approval from Connie.

Isaac just shifted foot to foot, seeming rather uneasy with the conversation, and I was too busy noticing that Jake had noticed us to care much.

What was he doing here?

He grinned when he spotted us, standing up straight he gave us a brief wave before walking in our direction.

“Holy shit, he’s coming this way.” Connie hissed, being the second one to notice his attention she was now straightening out her shirt.

Rachel scoffed loudly at her behaviour.

“Shut up.” Connie murmured under her breath so that Jake, who was growing ever closer, couldn’t hear her.

Over Rachel’s head I could see Isaac looking uncomfortable.

“What is it you want?” Rachel asked bluntly when Jake stopped directly in front of us.

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