Chapter Twelve: A Villain's Weakness

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I'm so sorry that this took so long guys! :/ Hopefully next chapter won't take nearly as long! :)

Thanks for being patient with me!

Votes and comments are always apreciated but as always PLEASE ENJOY::

Chapter Twelve: A Villain’s Weakness

The words hung in the air between the two of us.

“I’ll help you fall out of love with Isaac.”

I couldn’t help myself. I laughed. Loudly. “Yeah right!” I agreed sarcastically.

Mackenzie gave me an unimpressed stare, as I continued to grin and shake my head.

“Come on. You can’t be serious.” I said incredulously, when he didn’t show any signs of amusement.

“As a heart attack.” He responded with a flat tone.

I frowned this time. “Come off it, Mackenzie.” I said in a sigh.

“What?” He asked defensively.

You’re going to help me? You? Mr Love-is-a-Choice?” I asked raising an eyebrow at him.

“You don’t think I can do it?” He asked.

“Can you?”

“Of course I can.” He boasted making me want to hit him over the head.

“How?” I challenged.

He didn’t have an answer, and I grinned smugly at his silence. “See?” I asked, rolling my eyes.

He narrowed his eyes, his smooth expression turning into an increasingly familiar glare. “I’d think of something.” He said.

“Yeah, right.” I repeated.

“How hard could it be?” He asked.

With that one sentence my patience ran out completely, my jaw twitched in annoyance. “That is the perfect example of why you wouldn’t be able to help me!”

“What is that meant to mean?” He asked, seemingly oblivious to my irritation.

“It means you don’t even understand what I’m going through, you’re the last person who could ever help me fall out of love!”

He gave me a blank stare. “You say that as if I’ve never had an unrequited love for someone before.”

I stared up at him in surprise, his words splashing cold water over my building anger. “You have?” I asked, feeling my sympathy grow for him.

“Well no, but you couldn’t have known that.” He answered with a shrug.

My jaw dropped, and my anger returned in one big rush. “You-”

He cut me off with a disapproving sound. “We have a strict no swearing whilst on duty policy here.”

I gave him a sickeningly sweet smile. “I was going to say jerk.”

“You were?” He asked, raising an eyebrow.

“Well no, but you couldn’t have known that.” I shot his own words back at him, accompanied with the deadliest glare I had.

Instead of getting annoyed like I hoped my response would make him, Mackenzie smiled widely. “Wise words.” He complimented himself.

“Hey, Mackenzie?” I said with strained politeness.

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