Chapter Thirteen: One Last Hope

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OMG OMG OMG I FINISHED IT! You have no idea how much trouble I had with this chapter guys! It keeps coming out so awkwardly, but I ended up just going with it :) x

I really should have gone to sleep by now! But I'm so happy I got this chapter done! (And I have a part of the next one written too...sooo hopefully it won't be as long of a wait!!!)

Okay calming down now... YOU GUYS ARE BEAUTIFUL! You're all so amazingly nice! I love all the comments you guys have been leaving - it leaves me soo happy to read them! x

ANYWAY I'm going to stop waffling on, comments and votes appreciated but as always PLEASE ENJOY::

::My Happily Never After::

Chapter Thirteen: One Last Hope


“Okay, are you going to tell me what it is you wanted now?” I asked turning to face Isaac who was sat on the other side of my front porch bench.

Isaac chewed his lip thoughtfully. “I need your help with something.”

I waited for him to elaborate. “With what?” I asked when he didn’t.

He bowed his head forwards before mumbling a low answer I couldn’t catch.

I rolled my eyes. “I can’t hear you, Isaac.” I told him.

He sucked in a deep breath, glancing back up at me wincingly. “I forgot about mine and Rachel’s anniversary.” He admitted in a voice barely louder than the first time, but I’d managed to hear him.

My eyes widened. “Oh.” I said eventually after a long silent pause.

Isaac gave me a pained look and I winced. “I feel terrible.” He said running his hand through his hair, the distress in his voice left me feeling completely helpless. “I’ve just been so busy lately-”

I cut him off. “Okay, stop freaking out so much. This isn’t too bad. You still have a couple of days until-” I stopped when Isaac let out a troubled groan.

“We decided ages ago that we would celebrate our anniversary on the weekend before. We’re meant to be going out tonight – and I don’t have a date planned, or a present, or anything.” He admitted. “I was up all last night trying to think of what to do but I couldn’t even think of any ideas.”

I slowly processed the information.

He really didn’t look like he had gotten much sleep last night.

My hand automatically reached up to comfort him. “Hey, calm down. You’ve got a few hours and me to help you think of something. Don’t worry.” I told him gently, wishing I could rid him of all his anxiety.

He looked up to me, before slowly nodding his head and let out a deep sigh. “Yeah. You’re right.”

I smiled at him.

“You’ll really help me?” He asked.

“Of course.” I told him easily. I’d always help him when he was in need.

He smiled gently. “Have I ever told you you’re the best?” He asked.

“Constantly. It can’t be helped though, my amazingness can be somewhat overwhelming.” I told him with a small shrug.

His grin widened into something more genuine, and I felt relief hit me at the sight of it.

“Alright.” I said with a smile of my own. “Here’s the plan. I’m going to go make us some coffee, and then we’ll brainstorm something amazing together that’ll completely knock the socks off of Rach!” I told him with confidence. “Sound good?”

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