Trauma ..

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      Time flies and everything went well.The project is half done and Bill and Kritt become friends .But Kritt feels a little lonely.Though three of them are friends,the way of spending their lives (paths)are different.Bill and Thiti have to worry about the money as they come from middle class family.They have to go to part time jobs.So short to the point,the world they are living in and the way they see the world is totally different from Kritt.So most of the time these two are together talking and laughing. Kritt,who already had a trauma because of losing the one who he love, worries that Thiti will leave him.(I mean leave his as a friend).So in his eyes Bill is the one who create a distance between Thiti and him.

 Today is Friday and tomorrow is finally the Fresher welcome party.Kritt and Bill are at the Siam Paragon after collecting datas from the library for their project.

Bill- Why are you acting  like stranger  on me?

Kritt does not answer and just walking around the mall.

Bill notices the situation and he also knows how Kritt will feel.He asks him because he wanted Kritt to open his feelings not storing alone and live with them.He doesn't want to see him like this.While Bill try to follow Kritt as Kritt walks so fast, Kritt suddenly stopped.In front of him is his father and stepmother.Bill sees that Kritt's finger are shaking .

Kritt's dad-Son....

Kritt -Dad..,

Kritt's dad-Its almost a year son..

Kritt sighs --Yes.

Kritt's dad-Are you ok?I heard that you were fine .Fon told me as I contact her.

Kritt ...... Fon!Did you called her?Why?

Kritt's dad-Because I want to know if you are ok or not.

Kritt smiles (in a negative manner)-You think of me, smiles ..I think you forgot me like you forgot Mom.

stepmom-No  no you are wrong he thinks..

Kritt -SHUT UP!it is not your place.Just know your place aunty.You are just a wife of dad.This is not your busineess.(Kritt tells with angry eyes )

Bill is standing beside Kritt and he never seen Kritt in such angry mood before.

''Woosh" Kritt's dad slapped him.

Kritt's eyes are fulll of tears and he walks away.

Bill follows him....''Kritt''  ''Kritt".......

When they reach to the quiet place Kritt stops.

Bill- Are you ok?I sees everything but I don't intended.

Kritt- cries......I am not fine. I ...I am tired of acting like I am fine .They left me ..a useless.Right tell me Am I a useless person?aww  ..I forgot you too see me like that too ......right.... right

Seeing Kritt in such timeis really hard for Bill so he finally hugs him.

Bill- NO...I don't see you like that you are also not  useless.

Kirtt- lying...Why mom left me if I am not useless .Also my dog left me too at last.(with sobbing voice)

Bill- no ,he rubs Kritt's back slowly .All the things happened because they need to be and that's not your fault.Don't bee feel guilty hum?

Kritt-..............How about dad?He slapped me in front of her.

Bill - He didn't mean it ...and I can see love in his eyes when he Looked you.

Kritt-  ................................imm...........

Bill-Don't worry still have your dad ..And I.......I will by your side always. i will never leave you..................

Kritt- really don't say that easily if you can't be with me till death?

Bill- nods his head

-----REALLY whatever the people say.I am your project partner right>?

Kritt- smiles ........................

At that time (Skyline is playing at the mall)

They hugs each other for a long time and they are in their moods that they don't notice the people who pass by them and the time.

They hugs each other for a long time and they are in their moods that they don't notice the people who pass by them and the time

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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------THIS part is short because I think this part should me a little emotional.....................

Ep 7 will come with romantic and happiness. wait .......

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