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Kritt and Bill comes into the house.

Thiti notices that something is wrong.

The next morning,Kritt wakes up and knocks Bill's room.No response.Kritt opens the door and Bill is gone.He is gone.Kritt asks Thiti but he don't know either.Kritt calls Bill to apologize as that is not Bill's mistake.We can't control  our mind right?At the university,Kritt sees Bill.

Kritt-Bill.......wait for me!Bill.............Bill..


Kritt-Why do you act like you don't hear me?

Bill-I didn't act.

Kritt-Whatever.....I'm sorry......I shouldn't t..tell

Bill-Its take these(Bill gives Kritt some papers)

Kritt-What are they?

Bill-My researches for the project.Take these.

Kritt-Why do you give me?We have to discuss isn't it?

Bill-Yes it is..but I am busy so I will not be able to discuss with you.I've done all of my part so use them as you like.


Bill walks away .He turns and-Aww...tell the professor that I will not join the economics class as I've done my part bye.

Kritt-Bill...........Are you angry with me?

Bill smiles -No.Just cuz of the project finish.

From that day,Bill stays away from Kritt.He doesn't answer his calls.Kritt is really upset.Bill is also doing about 4 part time jobs to forget Kritt.On the other hand,Kritt can't concentrate on the project and studies because he always thinks about Bill.One day,he is sitting at the canteen and Taw walks towards him.



Taw-Why are you sitting like this.Your face is also not good.

Kritt-P,....why do you think Bill and I are more than just friends.?

Taw- I know.....through your eyes.


Taw-Your eyes are like that day that we first met.Full with care and happiness.

Kritt-Aww.........P'taw......why aren't you angry at me? not my style.I want my beloved one to be always happy even though he choose other.

Kritt-...........But I am not happy now..............maybe you are wrong.

Taw stares at Kritt for a few seconds......

Taw-Of course as you don't listen to your heart.


Taw-Listen to your heart and do it as it says.You will be happy.

Taw leaves..........................................................

Kritt is thinking and the word comes into his mind repeatedly.


Kritt calls Thiti.

Kritt-Thiti ..Do you know where is Bill right now?\

Thiti-Bill?...I think he is at the cafe Americano.



Kritt runs to his car.

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