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I had to be dead.

The throbbing in my head was inhumane and felt as though a 10,000 tonne freight train was continuously running over it. I tried to peel one of my eyelids open, but as soon as I was exposed to the slightest bit of light I hissed and buried myself further under the covers. 

After about 40 minutes of broken sleep I finally pulled myself up into a sitting position in bed. I looked around the plain room and remembered that I was at Lindsay's house. Flashes of the night before coursed through my mind and I groaned aloud as I recalled how I came onto Jessica in the girl cave. 

I stumbled around the room trying to locate my phone that I could hear buzzing slightly. I eventually found it under a pillow that was tossed on the floor near the bed. I lifted it and my eyes widened as large as saucers when I read the time.

It was 4pm in the afternoon! I had slept for over 16 hours! 

I rushed to the kitchen where I found Lindsay drinking a cup of coffee. Ew. I poured myself a glass of water and took a few Advil's, feeling a bit better after they started to kick in. 

"Did we both sleep through the whole day?" I asked.

"Yep. At least we didn't have to go to school," she answered.

"It's Friday, not like we do any work anyway."

"True," she laughed, and we both sat there in a peaceful silence until it was interrupted by the door opening and closing. We both looked up and saw Jessica glancing at us, slightly pissed. 

"You both missed school," she said sternly. We just nodded in response. "I tried waking ya'll up this morning, but you were having none of it." I giggled a little as I imagined Jessica trying to shake Lindsay and I awake. After a long night drinking, it is practically impossible to wake us. 

Jessica cut her eyes at me and I shut my mouth. She continued to rant about how irresponsible we were being for about twenty minutes until she told us to go and walk off our hangovers. We dressed in some comfortable jeans and casual shirts and made our way into the warm weather. After a short walk, Lindsay and I found ourselves in front of the pub. 

"Care for a game of pool?" I offered, to which she accepted. 

We picked a table away from most people and started our game of eight-ball. I pocketed the first three balls, Lindsay followed with 5 of hers before I pocketed my remaining 4, and was left with the eight-ball. Lindsay stood in anticipation as I lined up the shot and pushed the cue ball with just enough force to sink the eight-ball, but not the cue ball. The game was over, and I had won yet again.

"You always win! Are you cheating?" Lindsay questioned me.

I laughed, "I have no need to cheat, I'm just this good!"

"That you are," I heard a woman's voice from behind me. I turned around and took her in. She was about 5'3", not much older than myself, and had long golden red hair that fit her figure perfectly. She was wearing a navy dress that was casual, but made her look incredible. 

"Eyes are up here, sweetie," she said in a sexy southern accent. I blushed slightly and heard Lindsay laugh from next to me. "The names Cassie," she put out her hand for me to shake. I took it in my own and felt a quick spark shoot through my arm.

"I'm gonna go hit up the cute guy at the bar," Lindsay announced and walked away, leaving me alone with Cassie.

"My names Alex," I replied and tried to find my confidence. 

"Well Alex," she flirted, "I'm going to beat you at a game of pool."

My confidence was suddenly back at the mention of a competition. 

"Oh, I don't know about that," I scooted closer to her as she set up the balls, "what's in it for me?" 

She turned so her lips were mere inches from my own. "If you beat me you get a kiss."

"And what if you win?" I asked, our faces still incredibly close.

"I guess you'll have to wait and see," she responded and sent me a wink before taking a step back and handing me a pool cue. "You're up first."

We started the game and I was full of confidence. The longer the game progressed on, the less confident I was getting. This girl was good. Eventually, we both only had the eight-ball remaining and it was my shot. I lined up and was about to hit the ball when I felt two hands graze against my backside. I shivered and overshot the cue ball which ended up falling into the pocket with the 8-ball. 

I turned around and gave Cassie a sour look. "That was cheating," I pointed out. She slid her hands onto my hips and leaned against my body. 

"You don't know what the rewards is for me winning, yet," she said and ran a hand down from my hip along my thigh until it was resting just above my knee. A grin appeared on my face and I leaned in slightly.

"So what is it?"

She leaned in as though she was about to kiss me before diverting towards my ear. "A beer," she whispered and walked towards the bar, chuckling. I cursed under my breath but joined her as we got to know each other a little better. 

After a few hours, Cassie and I walked to the door, planning on going back to her place. Once outside, Lindsay ran up to me while waving her phone. 

"I just got a call from my mom and she isn't happy. She knows where we are and is coming to pick us up!" 

I groaned and felt Cassie wrap her arms tighter around me. Lindsay and I argued for a few minutes until Jessica pulled up beside us and jumped out of the car.

"Lindsay, Alex, get in the car now!" She was utterly pissed and I was not in the mood to be reprimanded once again. Lindsay hopped in the back seat submissively, while I stayed standing on the sidewalk with Cassie around my waist. 

Jessica looked at her for a split second before switching her gaze back to me. She suddenly had a fire in her eyes that I hadn't seen a second ago. "Lets go, babe, I don't want to be late for the movie," she said. 

Cassie unattached herself from me and looked at me questioningly. I was a little too shocked to react, which she took as a bad sign and scoffed, walking away.

I turned back to Jessica angrily, "What was that for? I actually liked her!"

She just rolled her eyes and we got into her car where Lindsay had fallen asleep. "It's not like you were going to date her," Jessica replied. I don't know why, but that made me angrier. Sure, I was probably only going to sleep with her once, but Jessica still didn't have the right to get rid of her like that. 

We were both silent on the ride back to her house, and as Lindsay dragged herself into her room once we reached it. I stayed in the living room, following Jessica until I was standing in front of her. 

"Why did you do it?" I asked her. I couldn't believe that she would trick a girl away from me for no reason. I slept with heaps of women, all the time, and this time wasn't any different. 

She shrugged her shoulders and looked me directly in the eye. 

"I was jealous," she said and disappeared into her room as I stayed rooted to the floor in shock.

She was jealous. 

Sorry this update took a little bit longer than expected. I hope it is still worth continuing. Please comment any feedback as I haven't gotten any so far.

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Enjoy your day, or night! :)

- T.J Starc

The Teacher: AKA My Best Friend's Mom (GxG) (TeacherxStudent)Where stories live. Discover now