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*Alex's POV*

I skipped school the next day, extending my usual two-day weekend into a three-day weekend. With the amount of school I was missing, I was honestly surprised I was still passing my classes.

By Friday night I was missing my best friend so much that I had to see her. I sent her a quick text before getting ready for a night out.

Me: Usual place, 20 mins.

I arrived five minutes early, like always, and was incredibly nervous. Lindsay and I hadn't spoken for weeks and I was unsure how she was going to react.

I sat at a booth in the corner of the pub and sipped on my non-alcoholic beverage. I had just placed down my glass when I was pounced on by a 50kg ball of energy. AKA: Lindsay.

"I was so worried about you, bitch. Why didn't you answer my calls? Or texts? Or react to my online stalking? You know I love you," she ranted, suffocating me with her engulfing hug.

I chuckled softly and wrapped my arms tightly around her shoulders, holding her close. We stayed like that for many minutes and I could feel her heart beating calmly against my own.

She pulled back first and slid into the opposite side of the booth without a word. She just stared me directly in the eyes, knowing her gaze would eventually break me. And that it did.

"I'm so so sooooo sorry," she whispered, moving back over to my side of the booth. I told her everything. About Hamish, my Dad, myself, all except for the situation with her Mom. Her mascara was creating trails down her cheeks as she was unable to stop the tears. I was yet to let one tear escape the brink of my eyes, and I strived to keep it that way.

Lindsay and I hugged, and she cried, and we hugged some more. She informed me that she didn't have any love interests at the moment, but she did hear about a new student who was arriving. I was pretty certain I knew who this new student was, but I was hoping that I was incorrect.

"You are coming home with me," Lindsay whispered into my shirt, as she sat against my body. Before I could get a word in, she continued, "Your Dad is obviously grieving, but that doesn't give him the right to neglect you. His living child. I know that sounds harsh, but I love you, and I don't want anything bad to happen to you. So, you are coming to live with me for a while. You practically already own the guest bedroom, and you know my Mom loves you."

I thought over her proposal. I didn't want to leave my Dad alone, but I knew it wasn't the right thing for me to be living in that house. It's not like I would abandon my father either. I would get him some help, do anything to try and pull him out of the dark hole he was in. However, I couldn't be around him, or all of Hamish's stuff all of the time. I needed a safe place, a getaway, and Lindsay was offering me one.

"I would love to live with you, but it will only be temporary," I warned her.

"Whatever you say. At least now you can no longer avoid me for weeks," she chirped, with a huge smile on her face.

That conniving little.....


I rolled a small suitcase with the basics up to the guest bedroom where most of my stuff was already placed in the wardrobe.

Lindsay had gone out to get some extra groceries or something, and had left me to organize my 'room'.

I dumped the suitcase on the bed and trudged down the stairs until I made it to the bottom. I saw the back of the couch from the other side of the room and started running towards it. When I was about a meter away, I launched myself into the air in order for my body to land on the middle of the sofa. Instead, I landed on something firm and hard on the couch.

It moved and I squirmed to get away. It wrapped it's arms around my body and I started to yell.

"No! Don't eat me!!" To say I was freaking-the-fuck-out would be an understatement.

I heard a soft laugh, and felt warm air hit the side of my face.

"But I want to so bad," she teased, and I tensed up. I didn't land on an alien, an octopus, or the Loch Ness Monster, I landed on Jessica. Which kinda makes perfect sense seeing as this is her house.

My alien thoughts evaporated as I realised what she just said. She said she wanted to "eat me".


I turned my face to meet hers, and she had an amused expression feathering her face. We were extremely close, and her eyes were locked onto mine. I had missed gazing into the pale blue, which had little specks of green if you looked close enough. Her eyes drifted down to my lips and I took my bottom one between my teeth.

Her mouth gaped open slightly, and I started to close the gap between us. Apparently, the universe had a different plan, as we heard the front door open. Knowing it was Lindsay, I pulled myself up hastily and walked towards the entrance to help her with whatever she had bought.

She was waddling like a penguin as she tried to carry six bags full of groceries. I relieved her of three bags, and we placed them onto the kitchen counter.

She ruffled through the contents of each bag until she found what she was looking for. She pulled out two white boxes and handed one to me.

"Happy Birthday," she smiled, "I bought you chocolates the other day, but then you were rude, so I ate them. Enjoy your new gift!"

I opened up the box to reveal some new AirPods.

"I got myself some too! Now I have something to use to block you out if you ever bring over company," Lindsay winked at me and laughed.

I gave her a tight hug and thanked her deeply for the present. Although I did not want to think about my birthday, Lindsay always seemed to create light out of a dark situation.


It was 2am and I was staring at my ceiling. Is that normal?

I tried deep breathing, I tried counting sheep, I even tried - key word being 'tried' - doing pushups. Yet, nothing seemed to be able to distract me from the beautiful woman laying in bed, two doors down.

I couldn't lay still, I couldn't sleep, and I couldn't even think straight. So, I pulled myself out of bed and to Jessica's room. I knocked quietly, then entered, closing the door behind me.

Jessica was sleeping peacefully, her long hair strewn all over her pillow. I reached down and placed my hand on her cheek, rubbing my thumb over her skin softly.

She moaned almost inaudible and her eyes fluttered open. She whipped back and gasped, staring at me silently.

"Hey, hey, it's okay, it's just me. Can we talk?" I asked.

"Alex, you need to get out of my bedroom. This is not appropriate," Jessica scolded.

Even though it was dark, I gave Jessica a confused look.

"What are you on about? I came to talk about us," I continued.

"There is no us, Alex."


"There is no us, and there will never be an us."

Thanks for reading! When I first started writing this chapter, I had just hit 10K views. Being my first book, I was absolutely ecstatic. But what makes me even more excited is that it has been 3 days since I started writing this chapter, and I have made it to 15K!!! I want to thank every single one of you who have stuck by this book so far. - Much more to come :)

Please stay safe xx

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- T.J Starc

The Teacher: AKA My Best Friend's Mom (GxG) (TeacherxStudent)Where stories live. Discover now