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*Alex POV*

After reading the headline I was hit with a wave of relief. However, for the rest of the morning as I got ready, I was overthinking what this could mean. Would she wake up? Would she tell the authorities what I did to her? 

I arrived at school at 8am like any other morning, but today everybody seemed dead. Some were crying, some were placing pictures of the deceased, and some were just mourning on the inside. Although Nick and Brad were bullies, bullies still had friends. I spent the rest of the day avoiding others, feeling overwhelmed with guilt whenever I heard people speculate what happened to their classmates.

I had successfully avoided any social interaction besides with Lindsay as it approached the final class of the day- Advanced History. Plopping into my usual seat, I waited for the lesson to commence, only to be interrupted by Ned sitting down wordlessly in the chair besides me. I looked at him confused, and he just gave me a small smile before facing the front of the classroom. 

Shaking my head, I also looked forward and was met with the beautiful sight of my dazzling best friend's mom's ass swaying scrumptiously. I had not spoken to Jessica since the night in her bedroom. Her words were engraved in my mind, and I wasn't going to forget them very easily. We had run into each other a few times since, but Lindsay was always in the same room, otherwise, Jessica actively avoided me. Though, I couldn't really say I wanted to see her at the moment either.

I missed most of her speech, only zoning in at the end to realise she was talking about something called the Jacksonian Era. Boring. Another teacher interrupted the lecture a couple of sentences later and Ms. Caldwell had to excuse herself, but not before setting us four pages worth of work to complete before the end of the lesson. You would think that you are entitled to a little favouritism from teachers that you kiss. But no, apparently they just cause headaches. 

I reluctantly got started on my classwork, only to be disrupted by a little ball of paper landing on my desk. I looked over sideways to see Ned motioning for me to open it. I carefully unrolled the little slip and read it over. I had to read it two more times just to comprehend what it said.

You two would make a cute couple :)  -N

Wide-eyed, I glanced over at Ned to see him grinning like a Cheshire cat. He leaned over and whispered, "I have nothing against it A, just don't go hurting Lindsay. #jessex." He joked with extremely exaggerated duck lips while making the hashtag symbol with his fingers. I'm telling you, he's not gay. 

For the second time today I felt relieved, now being able to feel comfortable around Ned again. I looked back down at the note and didn't realise a presence in front of me before the whole class went silent and I looked up only to be met with an outstretched hand. 

"The note," Ms. Caldwell scolded, waiting for me to hand it over to her. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Ned trying to control a laugh at my expense. I didn't make any attempt to hand Jessica the note, and she started to reach for it herself. Out of absolute fear for my future embarrassment, I slapped the small piece of paper into my mouth. I swallowed the note like a pill and watched the anger flit across her features. 

Sniggers were heard from all around the room and regret started to seep its way in. I had humiliated her in front of her students. I tried to look as apologetic as possible but she just growled, "Detention" and stalked back to her desk. 

Maybe not the best way to get back into her good books, Alex.


After the final bell rings I made my way to the designated after-school detention room and took a seat. I was greeted by a familiar face as Anna entered and plopped down next to me. 

"I haven't seen you around lately. Has your girlfriend got you holed away?" she asked, eyeing the door. I glimpsed over to see Ms. Caldwell entering, but realised that Anna was pointing out Cassie who made her way inside after Jessica. 

Talk about deja vu.

Cassie sat on the opposite side of me, but instead of being hot-headed like last time, she was quiet and respectful. Jessica called Anna up to the front and I decided to strike up a conversation with Cassie. 


"Hi," she replied back with a civil smile. I was hesitant to try and say anymore and she caught on. "I don't care about whatever is happening between you and the teacher, I am in a happy relationship."

"Oh, that's good for you," I replied nervously. She looked over at me and her eyes seemed to soften as she noticed how anxious I am.

"You can calm down. Look, I'm sorry about how I acted before, but that was ages ago. How about a fresh start?" She held out her hand for me to shake. I relaxed and shook her hand as Anna made her way back over to us.

"Cassie Landon, you are free to leave. Mr. Hyde wanted me to remind you to make sure you attend your detention for tomorrow and that he will excuse the incident in class," Ms. Caldwell announced, and Cassie smiled slightly at me before leaving with her bag thrown over her shoulder. 

Jessica got busy with her own work, so Anna and I were free to talk quietly. 

"Cassie's not my girlfriend," I explained, "she's just a new friend." Anna nodded and looked out the window.

"I'm moving to D.C. with my sister in a couple weeks, which is a bummer 'cos I was really starting to enjoy it here," she announced suddenly. 

"Well, I'm sorry to hear about you leaving, but I hope you enjoy. I have distant family down there and it's a pretty cool place."

"Yeah," she sighed, "I'm sure it is, we're just always moving and sometimes I just wanna stick around and actually make friends, y'know?" 

I nodded my acknowledgement and we fell silent once more. A few minutes later and we were dismissed from the classroom, and I could finally go home. I returned to my house before I aimed to head over to Lindsay's for the next few nights. 

When I reach the front door it was locked, and I figured my father wasn't home. However, I was proven wrong when I found him watching a hockey game on the TV, looking fresh and sober. I stood frozen to the ground inside of the door, jaw slacked, and surprised to see my Dad looking like a real life person again. 

He pulled himself off the couch and made his way towards me. He placed both of his hands on my cheeks in a loving, father-like way and kissed my forehead. 

"I'm sorry, Alex. I'm so so sorry. I love you," he whispered, and I broke down. Right there in his arms. I sounded animalistic as I sobbed heavily and collapsed into his body. All of the sadness, the anger, the emotions that I had bottled up came pouring out and I held myself safely in my father's arms. I cried, and cried, and cried. Without devising it, I fell asleep in the warm comfort of my protector's grasp. 


I woke up uncomfortably on the couch covered in a thin cotton blanket. I scooped my phone out of my pocket and discovered that it was almost midnight. I didn't have a clean change of clothes here, so I knew I had to go to Lindsay's. 

Getting there was easy, but I had to try and sneak in without waking anyone. I successfully opened and closed the door and heard no noises coming from the bedrooms. I was triumphant. 

Tiptoeing quietly, I made my way to the fridge to look for a snack and something to drink before heading to bed. I opened the refrigerator and the light illuminated my surroundings.

"BOO!" someone yelled, and I spun in the air like a crazy baboon. I fell into a heap on the ground as I tried to catch my breath. After I was somewhat calmed, I looked up to meet eyes with wise blue spheres. She offered a hand, and I grabbed it as she helped me up. 

A smile warmed her face at my reaction, before disappearing as she turned serious.

"We need to talk."

Thank you for reading!

More to come very soon.

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I hope everybody is staying safe. Big love.

- T.J Starc

The Teacher: AKA My Best Friend's Mom (GxG) (TeacherxStudent)Where stories live. Discover now