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Soon My Chemical Romance's tour with The Used ended, and my "relationship" with Bert was put on "hiatus."  The world was now looking at us with high expectations.  To us, this only meant one thing.  'It's time to make a new album.'  So, we started the album that still means the most to me, in irony, "Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge."  It was truly the perfect follow up to our first, "I Brought You My Bullets, You Brought Me Your Love," not that we really needed one.  That album, alone, got us here.  Then again, it's not that hard to get accepted into Hell.  All I had to do was sin, and I've always been the best at that.  Even before Mikey.  Anyways, "Revenge" was supposed to be our perfect creation.  "An unfinished horror movie," was what the guys called it.  I called it "life."  Either way, the album went in a different direction.

 In the once beautiful November of 2003, our Helena died.  We were in the self proclaimed "City of Angels," Los Angeles, at the time.  It was for a photo shoot, something we didn't even want to do.  It's silly, everyone always thinks that I was meant for the camera, that I was selfish for the lens.  I fuckin' hate the lens, and everything behind it, but I could never hate it as much as I hate the thing that stands in front of it.  Me.  I'm sorry, I seem to have found myself procrastinating again.  Anyways, our dearly beloved grandmother had passed, and we hadn't even see her off.  It was one of our manager's, Brian, biggest mistakes, really.  He kept postponing our yearly trip to New Jersey.  I still resent him for it.  The second he had gotten work of her death, he canceled all photo shoots and tour dates.  It's too bad he hadn't done that sooner.  Immediately, we flew to NJ, where we were welcomed by fans, all dressed in black out of respect for the dead, holding up signs that said stupid things like "Hometown Heroes."  We were nothing.

Over all, the funeral was the worst part.  She would not have wanted it to be the way it was.  She never liked being a downer.  In fact, she didn't even show up!  Instead, she send for a replacement.  A corpse by the name of Elena Lee Rush.  A woman who looked and lived like Helena, but had no soul in her body.  It wasn't until we carried out her...the coffin that I realized this.  As we put her inside of the hearse, I looked in.  Mikey, who was standing beside me, looked in as well.

He whispered to her words I could barely understand.  "So long, and good night, my sweet Helena."  He looked at me, no, not him, but the old Mikey, the real Mikey.  Standing in front of me was the Mikey who used to to share a room with me, who used to draw comics with me, who used to watch bad sci-fi movies with me when I was depressed after a hard day at school, who used to pester me to go trick-or-treating with him every year.  In front of me, for the for the first time in months, was the man I fell in love with.  I actually saw the real him, and mix of beauty, innocence, weakness, depression, and above all, sobriety.

As we stood there, I looked at the Mikey I had thought I lost.  It was then I realized that Mikey was never lost, never gone.  He was just hiding.  Hiding under the unstable exterior that I had put out for him.  Hiding...from me.

"After all that's happened...all that's happening, I'd like to...I wanna apologize."  I meant what I said to Mikey.  I meant it more than anything, but apparently he thought I was talking to her.

"Gee, don't apologize to her, you were always her favorite.  She's always been proud of you.  She wanted you to sing and draw, to become something.  She knew you were special.  If anything, I should be apologizing...."

It destroyed me to see him so ashamed of himself.  Always feeling that he was worthless, just because of me.  "I wasn't talking to her, Mikes.  I was talking to you...I jus--I want to be brothers again...."

"Don't play this game with me, Gerard."  He looked genuinely hurt as he tried to walk away.

All he wanted was to leave things the way they were.  Sometimes, I wish I would have let him run away.  It would have been better for the both of us.  However, my stupidity could never have let that happen.  Unfortunately, and unknowingly, I grabbed his arm.


Hey guys! It's been so long since I updated (sorry).

It's just that I've had family over and they don't know about my secret fanfiction writing life...also, school's a bitch.

I'm sorry I left you hanging for so long!

I'll be back sooner next time, I promise!

<3 Charr

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2015 ⏰

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