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The year was 2003. The summer had just began, I think. Mikey had started "dating" Matt. He was still a slut though. At least, for me. Frank was, as usual, high as fuck. Ray was high as fuck, unfortunately he also got drunk. I'm still not sure where Matt was, besides when he was with Mikey. He always had a habit of slipping out of my mind; I'm shocked that he still holds it. I was...well, I'm not sure about where I was either. Most likely, drunk. Maybe I was getting stoned with Frank and Ray. Who knows? Sure as Hell, not me. I was over medicated. I didn't care where I was. All I wanted was to be high as a kite. I felt like it was the only way I wouldn't get hurt. I didn't want to feel the pain of life. Sadly, this made it so that I was neglectful. Neglectful of my friends, my family, myself, and worst of all, I was neglectful to Mikey. I just didn't want to get hurt. I never thought I'd hurt him.

It started when our "manager," Brian, came to Mikey's apartment, which I, at the time, was crashing at. I remember Brian's face when he first came in, not even bothering to knock. He was ecstatic, like a puppy.

"I've got some great news!" He yelled, surly waking every one of our neighbors up.

"What?" I was extremely annoyed with the puppy faced man. I had every right to be. Not only did he let himself in, but he also woke me up. In all honesty, part of the annoyance I had for the man was due to the fact that I had not yet taken my "overdose" of Xanax yet.

"Sorry about him," Mikey tried to comfort Brian's feelings. "We got hammered last night. Well...he got hammered. I'm perfectly fine.

"Last night?" I asked like an idiot. "I don't remember that. We didn't..." I wanted to ask so bad whether we had a "good night" or not. Almost telepathically, he looked at me, his expression was full of hurt. We did.... I felt bad for not remembering the night before, but it happens. It's not like my mind is able to remember everything. Even now, in it's perfect state, it is not able to remember certain things.

"Okay...anyways," Brian broke the awkward silence with an even more awkward sentence, "I got a tour for you guys. A real tour. With...wait for it...THE USED!"

"The Used! Holy fuck, I love them!" Mikey screamed ecstatically, almost matching Brian.

Me being me, I could never let a good thing just be a good thing. I wanted to start a fight. Brian realized this and left immediately. He didn't close the door behind him....

"What's your problem?!" Mikey glared me down. "All I did was say I loved a band."

"Yeah, but you said the same thing about Matt, too"

"What the fuck does that mean?" He feigned confusion.

"Hmm, I don't know, Mikes. What do I mean? Oh! That's right! Last time you said you loved something, you ended up sleeping with that something, and that 'something' just happened to end up being my God damned best friend!"

Silence filled the air after my upheaval. Quietly, as if not wanting to disturb the surreal moment, he spoke. "Y-you know about Matt?"

I looked away from his eyes. Dear God, the thought of them looking so sad had always haunted me. "Yeah, Mikes. We all know about Matt and you. Frank figured it out from Day 1." My voice grew quiet.

"Gee, it''s not like that. It's not like I love him. He's just..."

"He's just what?"

"Acceptable. I mean, Gee, you know you're the only Way for me!" He used a pun. A pun. All of the love I have given him was the equivalent of a pun.

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